Keep Fighting for Life In 2025
Being pro-life, whole life means being pro-women all at the same time. Every baby is wanted by parents or adoptive parents. Every life is precious and created by God. Every life should be protected and defended.
Even though we still celebrate the fact that Roe v. Wade is gone, the fight for life rages intensely on. Since loopholes exist in the US, approximately 1 million abortions (murders of unborn babies!) still occur and this does not include the dangerous at home methods such as "morning after" pills.
However, we are encouraged by many recent breakthroughs in the fight for life. Here are a few examples:
-On January 23 the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act passed the U.S. House. We appreciate the House for working to protect life and defect infanticide. Tragically, Senate Democrats voted to stop it. (Why would they do that? They’ll have to answer to God about that question.) But the U.S. House victory should not be ignored. Pray for born-alive abortion survivors to receive equal medical treatment to that of all babies born early.
-January 24 was the March for Life in Washington D.C. This brought hundreds of thousands of pro-life supporters together to stand for life. Leaders including VP JD Vance spoke to defend life and President Trump shared a recorded message.
-Recently, two more pro-abort Joe Biden's executive actions were stopped! (These had imposed a whole-of-government effort to expand access to abortion, including abortion on military bases, and one that categorized abortion as “healthcare.”) President Trump was correct to stop these and we are grateful.
-Another breakthrough recently included how President Trump reinstated the Mexico City policy, which ensures American taxpayers do NOT fund the killing of babies overseas. This is huge.
-The USA has just rejoined the Geneva Consensus Declaration, which affirms that abortion is not an international right. We thank God for this breakthrough, too!
We pray that the US will do the same thing for American babies and defund every cent of the $700 million tax dollars from Planned Parenthood. Instead that money could be allocated to pregnancy centers, adoptions, and outreaches to help single moms.
We must keep advocating for life and the valuing of children as blessings –not burdens. It is time for abortion to be unthinkable. And we must focus on the fact that there is always hope and healing in Christ even in the aftermath of abortion. Hearts that sincerely turn to Jesus can receive forgiveness, hope, and life.
Edmund Burke is credited for saying, “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” It is our prayer and sincere desire to let babies live and to see further victories in the fight for all life. We all must step up and do something with prayer and loving action. God’s Word says, “Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good” (Romans 12:21).
Keep praying. Keep speaking. Keep doing the right thing with love in our hearts for Christ and every neighbor. Amen?
Keep praying and fighting for life, Dr. Carrie Stoelting and Stacie Stoelting HudzinskiSisters and founders of Unite the USA
Even though we still celebrate the fact that Roe v. Wade is gone, the fight for life rages intensely on. Since loopholes exist in the US, approximately 1 million abortions (murders of unborn babies!) still occur and this does not include the dangerous at home methods such as "morning after" pills.
However, we are encouraged by many recent breakthroughs in the fight for life. Here are a few examples:
-On January 23 the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act passed the U.S. House. We appreciate the House for working to protect life and defect infanticide. Tragically, Senate Democrats voted to stop it. (Why would they do that? They’ll have to answer to God about that question.) But the U.S. House victory should not be ignored. Pray for born-alive abortion survivors to receive equal medical treatment to that of all babies born early.
-January 24 was the March for Life in Washington D.C. This brought hundreds of thousands of pro-life supporters together to stand for life. Leaders including VP JD Vance spoke to defend life and President Trump shared a recorded message.
-Recently, two more pro-abort Joe Biden's executive actions were stopped! (These had imposed a whole-of-government effort to expand access to abortion, including abortion on military bases, and one that categorized abortion as “healthcare.”) President Trump was correct to stop these and we are grateful.
-Another breakthrough recently included how President Trump reinstated the Mexico City policy, which ensures American taxpayers do NOT fund the killing of babies overseas. This is huge.
-The USA has just rejoined the Geneva Consensus Declaration, which affirms that abortion is not an international right. We thank God for this breakthrough, too!
We pray that the US will do the same thing for American babies and defund every cent of the $700 million tax dollars from Planned Parenthood. Instead that money could be allocated to pregnancy centers, adoptions, and outreaches to help single moms.
We must keep advocating for life and the valuing of children as blessings –not burdens. It is time for abortion to be unthinkable. And we must focus on the fact that there is always hope and healing in Christ even in the aftermath of abortion. Hearts that sincerely turn to Jesus can receive forgiveness, hope, and life.
Edmund Burke is credited for saying, “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” It is our prayer and sincere desire to let babies live and to see further victories in the fight for all life. We all must step up and do something with prayer and loving action. God’s Word says, “Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good” (Romans 12:21).
Keep praying. Keep speaking. Keep doing the right thing with love in our hearts for Christ and every neighbor. Amen?
Keep praying and fighting for life, Dr. Carrie Stoelting and Stacie Stoelting HudzinskiSisters and founders of Unite the USA
Action Points to Save Babies from Abortion
1. If you are pregnant and need help, please call CareNet at 1-800-395-HELP. You can be connected with pregnancy center in your area where you can receive support. Remember... God loves you and your baby too!
2. Share how mother and baby can get in touch with pro-life Women's Centers. They can learn about their options and get the support they need to make a decision in favor of life! Call: 1-800-848-LOVE.
3. There is help and hope for those suffering after an abortion. The resources here will help those of you suffering from post-abortion stress syndrome (PASS) to find hope and healing. Call: 1-800-5-WE-CARE.
4. Keith and Melody Green's ministry (Last Days Ministries) has an excellent pro-life section on the web site. Please click here to learn about abortion and what you can do.
5. Talk to your kids and grandkids about the sanctity of life. Public schools, colleges, and universities are constantly teaching that abortion is OK. The kids in your life need your support to keep them focused on the value of life and the reasons why abortion is wrong.
6. Support ministries that aid expectant mothers. Examples include Bethany Christian Services, Birthright International, CareNet, Christian Life Resources, and Life Dynamics.
7. Donate time, money to Christian ministries, and help dissuade potential mothers from having abortions.Contact your Congressmen and state legislators and urge them support anti-abortion legislation. Click here to find your state legislators. Click here to find contact information for your Congressmen.
8. Write letters to the editor. Make your voice heard about your pro-life position. Explain why abortion is wrong.
9. Vote for pro-life candidates. Research and support proven anti-abortion candidates. Help elect pro-life men and women to office.
10. Pray for our politicians and that Roe v. Wade will be repealed. Pray for the mothers whose hearts were broken by abortion. Pray for families whose tables are not as full as a result of abortion. Prayer is powerful!
11. Support ministries and organizations that are bravely fighting to stop abortion and to protect all life. Here are a few worthy pro-life groups worth your attention: 40 Days for Life, National Right to Life, John Paul II Medical Research Institute, Embryo Adoption Services, Susan B. Anthony List, Alliance Defending Freedom, Priests for Life, And Then There Were None, and many more.
12. Remember that innocent, unborn children are depending on you to give them a voice. Cry out for the babies that never cry!
Unite the USA's
Featured Veteran of the Month: Gary Littrell

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Gary Littrell, Medal of Honor, Vietnam War
Pray for Life
"Lord, we thank You for life. We thank You for how much You love us. We ask You to help us defend life. Please turn hearts to know You. Please turn hearts to see the tragic truth that abortion is wrong. Lord, we know we have hope and a future thanks to You. Help those affected by abortion. Please help moms contemplating abortion to choose life and please help those moms find the pro-life support they need to deliver and bring up their babies. Children are a precious gift. We ask that You take control of all of this according to Your will. Give us wisdom, strength, and direction to defend and protect life. Jesus, we trust in You. Through Jesus Christ we pray, Amen."
March for Life speakers inspire:
‘We have the truth on our side’
By Live Action
The 52nd annual March for Life in Washington, D.C. took place on Friday, January 24, 2025. The event featured multiple speakers — from pro-surfer Bethany Hamilton, to Vice President JD Vance, to Live Action’s founder and president Lila Rose. A message from President Donald Trump was also played for the crowd.
Remarks from two of the speakers are highlighted below. (Scroll down for videos).
Live Action President Lila Rose
Following the politicians, Live Action founder and president Lila Rose spoke, reminding pro-lifers that they have “the power to change minds at the dinner table, on campuses, at soccer games. You can change minds. You are the voice for those who have no voice.”
Vice President JD Vance
Vice President Vance then took the stage for the final speech in his first official public appearance as vice president.
“We are proud to march with you and yes, we will be back next year. The excitement, the passion, the unwavering conviction that every single person here on the National Mall clearly feels — it is deeply moving to me and means more to President Trump and I than I could possibly say.”
He continued, “The event theme this year is Life: Why We March. And there are obvious answers to the implicit question it poses. We march to protect the unborn. We march to proclaim and live out the sacred truth that every single child is a miracle and a gift from God. Now, each time Usha and I welcomed our own children into the world, we saw firsthand the indescribable beauty of new life… And watching all three of our kids grow, learn, and become who they are today has been the single greatest blessing of our lives.” He added, “The task of our movement is to protect innocent life. It’s to defend the unborn and it’s also to be pro-family and pro-life life in the fullest sense of that word possible.”
He stated, “We failed a generation, not only by permitting a culture of abortion on demand, but also by neglecting to help young parents to achieve the ingredients they need to lead a happy and meaningful life. A culture of radical individualism took root. One where the responsibilities and joys of family life were seen as obstacles to overcome, not as personal fulfillment or personal blessings. Our society has failed to recognize the obligation that one generation has to another is a core part of living in a society to begin with.”
He added, “We need a culture that celebrates life at all stages, one that recognizes and truly believes that the benchmark of national success is not our GDP number or our stock market but whether people feel that they can raise thriving and healthy families in our country.”
Vance also spoke about Trump’s endorsement of the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act, which unfortunately failed in the Senate this week, and spoke of how the government will no longer direct FBI raids on the homes of pro-life activists or put pro-life activists in prison. He spoke of Trump’s pardoning the pro-lifers imprisoned by the Biden-Harris DOJ.
“It stopped on Monday (inauguration day) and we’re not gonna let it come back to this country,” he said. “… This administration stands by you, we stand with you, and most importantly, we stand with the most vulnerable and the basic principle that people exercising their right to protest for the most vulnerable should never have the government go after them ever again.”
The 52nd annual March for Life in Washington, D.C. took place on Friday, January 24, 2025. The event featured multiple speakers — from pro-surfer Bethany Hamilton, to Vice President JD Vance, to Live Action’s founder and president Lila Rose. A message from President Donald Trump was also played for the crowd.
Remarks from two of the speakers are highlighted below. (Scroll down for videos).
Live Action President Lila Rose
Following the politicians, Live Action founder and president Lila Rose spoke, reminding pro-lifers that they have “the power to change minds at the dinner table, on campuses, at soccer games. You can change minds. You are the voice for those who have no voice.”
Vice President JD Vance
Vice President Vance then took the stage for the final speech in his first official public appearance as vice president.
“We are proud to march with you and yes, we will be back next year. The excitement, the passion, the unwavering conviction that every single person here on the National Mall clearly feels — it is deeply moving to me and means more to President Trump and I than I could possibly say.”
He continued, “The event theme this year is Life: Why We March. And there are obvious answers to the implicit question it poses. We march to protect the unborn. We march to proclaim and live out the sacred truth that every single child is a miracle and a gift from God. Now, each time Usha and I welcomed our own children into the world, we saw firsthand the indescribable beauty of new life… And watching all three of our kids grow, learn, and become who they are today has been the single greatest blessing of our lives.” He added, “The task of our movement is to protect innocent life. It’s to defend the unborn and it’s also to be pro-family and pro-life life in the fullest sense of that word possible.”
He stated, “We failed a generation, not only by permitting a culture of abortion on demand, but also by neglecting to help young parents to achieve the ingredients they need to lead a happy and meaningful life. A culture of radical individualism took root. One where the responsibilities and joys of family life were seen as obstacles to overcome, not as personal fulfillment or personal blessings. Our society has failed to recognize the obligation that one generation has to another is a core part of living in a society to begin with.”
He added, “We need a culture that celebrates life at all stages, one that recognizes and truly believes that the benchmark of national success is not our GDP number or our stock market but whether people feel that they can raise thriving and healthy families in our country.”
Vance also spoke about Trump’s endorsement of the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act, which unfortunately failed in the Senate this week, and spoke of how the government will no longer direct FBI raids on the homes of pro-life activists or put pro-life activists in prison. He spoke of Trump’s pardoning the pro-lifers imprisoned by the Biden-Harris DOJ.
“It stopped on Monday (inauguration day) and we’re not gonna let it come back to this country,” he said. “… This administration stands by you, we stand with you, and most importantly, we stand with the most vulnerable and the basic principle that people exercising their right to protest for the most vulnerable should never have the government go after them ever again.”

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Featured Bible Verse
Featured Quote
"Now the task of our movement is to protect innocent life. It's to defend the unborn and it's also to be pro-family and pro-life in the fullest sense of that word possible . . ."
-Vice President JD Vance at the 2025 March for Life
-Vice President JD Vance at the 2025 March for Life