Writer Submission Guidelines
Unite the USA actively encourages writers to submit articles of timely and timeless topics. Feel free to send your articles and brief biographies to info@unitetheusa.org with a subject line of "Article Idea." Unsolicited articles will be considered, but writers with recommendations are preferred. Here are the three rules for submission:
1. The article must not exceed 1,500 words.2. The article must not slur another human being.3. It must be God-honoring (i.e. appropriate language, etc.).
References and résumés must be attached in Microsoft Word or PDF.
Thank you for your interest.
1. The article must not exceed 1,500 words.2. The article must not slur another human being.3. It must be God-honoring (i.e. appropriate language, etc.).
References and résumés must be attached in Microsoft Word or PDF.
Thank you for your interest.