How To Make a Difference in America: Follow Christ, Not the Culture
One fact seems almost undebatable in our country today: Divisions and difficulties attack the core of our country. We love the United States of America. And we yearn to see people experience God's love and peace in the land of the free. Lies exist about what that means and it's time to overcome evil with good.
The myths surrounding freedom and morality always reflect a misunderstanding of God's very character. God remains good. God remains God. And only our Creator has the right to define us. Not groups. Not government. Not even science. Only God Himself. He made each of us and He never makes mistakes.
When people forget that fact, they attack others and themselves until a nation starts to implode. It grieves our hearts that all too often see sin applauded and morals attacked in various levels and capacities. One of the most dangerous enablers of this situation is "cultural Christianity": That means churches/people that are Christian "in name only" which are promoting beliefs contrary to the Word of God. This tragically leads others down a slippery slope of destruction and creates a horrendous, hideous false image of what it means to be a Christian.
The Lord wants what is best for us. He knows this fallen world will be hard for us and so He gave us His Word. When we know Him personally, we know we have the Holy Spirit to direct us and empower us to do His will. As believers we are to be in the world and not of the world.
In light of recent headlines, remember that God never changes. He sees everything. No one fools God. Instead of Christian "celebrities," look for the faithful, spotlight-avoidant believers serving the least noticed. They are jewels in a world of cubic zirconia. True believers love to reflect all praise to God Himself. Keep close to Jesus Christ and notice the ones who notice and serve Him in the everyday and produce good fruit. You'll be encouraged by authenticity.
This month, we are happy to share encouraging resources on this very topic including an article by Dr. David Jeremiah called How Can I Make a Difference in America?
As we face the challenges of modern darkness, let's remember that God remains good and God remains God! He is love, and He is just. We must earnestly approach the throne of grace at this time of need.
David Jeremiah said it well, "If we stand up and we don’t kneel down, we have ignored the most powerful resource God has given us to win the battle that is before us. A Christian stands the tallest when he is on his knees."
We must not follow the contrary beliefs of the cultures. Instead, stay close to the heart of Jesus and let Him lead your life. Let's follow Christ and not the culture. Let His light shine through this dark world.
Give the microphone of your heart to God alone. And then use your Christ-centered life as a megaphone through your silent good actions and words of faith in a time of the faithless. God is watching. God is caring. God is with us.
Remember: God keeps His Word. May we keep His Word in our hearts, minds, & actions.
God bless you always,Dr. Carrie Stoelting and Stacie Stoelting HudzinskiSisters and founders of Unite the USA
The myths surrounding freedom and morality always reflect a misunderstanding of God's very character. God remains good. God remains God. And only our Creator has the right to define us. Not groups. Not government. Not even science. Only God Himself. He made each of us and He never makes mistakes.
When people forget that fact, they attack others and themselves until a nation starts to implode. It grieves our hearts that all too often see sin applauded and morals attacked in various levels and capacities. One of the most dangerous enablers of this situation is "cultural Christianity": That means churches/people that are Christian "in name only" which are promoting beliefs contrary to the Word of God. This tragically leads others down a slippery slope of destruction and creates a horrendous, hideous false image of what it means to be a Christian.
The Lord wants what is best for us. He knows this fallen world will be hard for us and so He gave us His Word. When we know Him personally, we know we have the Holy Spirit to direct us and empower us to do His will. As believers we are to be in the world and not of the world.
In light of recent headlines, remember that God never changes. He sees everything. No one fools God. Instead of Christian "celebrities," look for the faithful, spotlight-avoidant believers serving the least noticed. They are jewels in a world of cubic zirconia. True believers love to reflect all praise to God Himself. Keep close to Jesus Christ and notice the ones who notice and serve Him in the everyday and produce good fruit. You'll be encouraged by authenticity.
This month, we are happy to share encouraging resources on this very topic including an article by Dr. David Jeremiah called How Can I Make a Difference in America?
As we face the challenges of modern darkness, let's remember that God remains good and God remains God! He is love, and He is just. We must earnestly approach the throne of grace at this time of need.
David Jeremiah said it well, "If we stand up and we don’t kneel down, we have ignored the most powerful resource God has given us to win the battle that is before us. A Christian stands the tallest when he is on his knees."
We must not follow the contrary beliefs of the cultures. Instead, stay close to the heart of Jesus and let Him lead your life. Let's follow Christ and not the culture. Let His light shine through this dark world.
Give the microphone of your heart to God alone. And then use your Christ-centered life as a megaphone through your silent good actions and words of faith in a time of the faithless. God is watching. God is caring. God is with us.
Remember: God keeps His Word. May we keep His Word in our hearts, minds, & actions.
God bless you always,Dr. Carrie Stoelting and Stacie Stoelting HudzinskiSisters and founders of Unite the USA
Unite the USA's
Featured Veteran of the Month: Melvin Morris

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Vietnam War Medal of Honor Recipient Melvin Morris
Battle Belongs: The Battle Belongs to God

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This song by Phil Wickham says it well. The battle belongs to God and nothing stand against the power of Him. As David Jeremiah said, "If we stand up and we don’t kneel down, we have ignored the most powerful resource God has given us to win the battle that is before us. A Christian stands the tallest when he is on his knees."
Featured Bible Verse
Featured Quote
"The essence of Christian obedience is not do's and don'ts but personal allegiance to Jesus."-Dr. Tim Keller
Q&A with Billy Graham
Q: There are many of my friends who identify as Christians, but nothing about how they live portrays how Scripture defines those who follow Christ. Is it fair to say that they are cultural Christians?
A: From the writings of the Rev. Billy GrahamChristian living presupposes Christian conviction. But unfortunately, it is possible to have beliefs that do not find expression in conduct. This belief of the head is often confused with real faith. The simple truth is, one really believes only that which one acts upon. There are people who claim to believe God’s Word and identify as Christians, but their lives do not reflect the transformative work of God. The words of Jesus answer this question: “By their fruits you will know them” (Matthew 7:20). After being born again—receiving Christ as Lord and Savior—we are to demonstrate our faith by our works [conduct].
Effective Christians down through history have been people of great personal discipline. The connection between the words disciple and discipline is obvious. To be a true, effective disciple of Christ we must seek to discipline our lives and endeavor to walk even as He walked. The thing that has hindered the progress of the church is not so much our talk and our creeds; but it has been our walk, our conduct, our daily living. We need a revival of Christian example, and that can only come when professed followers of Christ begin to practice Christian discipline. Where do we begin? Having found the life that is in Christ, strict personal discipline leads to a full-bodied, rich, and complete life.
We must have a desire to follow Christ with a disciplined mind and tongue. We mustn’t give Satan a foothold (see Ephesians 4:27), but walk in the footsteps of Jesus. He does not discipline us to subdue us but to condition us for a life of usefulness and blessedness.
(This column is based on the words and writings of the late Rev. Billy Graham.)
A: From the writings of the Rev. Billy GrahamChristian living presupposes Christian conviction. But unfortunately, it is possible to have beliefs that do not find expression in conduct. This belief of the head is often confused with real faith. The simple truth is, one really believes only that which one acts upon. There are people who claim to believe God’s Word and identify as Christians, but their lives do not reflect the transformative work of God. The words of Jesus answer this question: “By their fruits you will know them” (Matthew 7:20). After being born again—receiving Christ as Lord and Savior—we are to demonstrate our faith by our works [conduct].
Effective Christians down through history have been people of great personal discipline. The connection between the words disciple and discipline is obvious. To be a true, effective disciple of Christ we must seek to discipline our lives and endeavor to walk even as He walked. The thing that has hindered the progress of the church is not so much our talk and our creeds; but it has been our walk, our conduct, our daily living. We need a revival of Christian example, and that can only come when professed followers of Christ begin to practice Christian discipline. Where do we begin? Having found the life that is in Christ, strict personal discipline leads to a full-bodied, rich, and complete life.
We must have a desire to follow Christ with a disciplined mind and tongue. We mustn’t give Satan a foothold (see Ephesians 4:27), but walk in the footsteps of Jesus. He does not discipline us to subdue us but to condition us for a life of usefulness and blessedness.
(This column is based on the words and writings of the late Rev. Billy Graham.)
How Can I Make a Difference in America?
By Dr. David Jeremiah
According to Rick Steves, there are two kinds of European tourists: “Those who view Europe through air–conditioned bus windows, socializing with their noisy American friends, and those who are taking a vacation from America, immersing themselves in different cultures, experiencing different people and lifestyles, and broadening their perspectives.” If we hope to avoid being lumped with the “Ugly Americans” of the first group, Steves recommends behaving more like guests than critics. This requires taking a genuine interest in the people and places we visit. We may prefer our American customs and culture, but it would be insensitive to expect locals to share our feelings.
Christians living in America, or any modern nation, would be wise to follow this advice. As citizens of heaven, we yearn for the holiness and customs of our homeland. But we cannot expect our neighbors and politicians to adopt the Bible as their Magna Carta if Jesus Christ is not their Lord. Rather than pointing out all the ways our culture falls short of God’s standards, we can conduct ourselves like travel agents who are appointed to promote heaven—and all that it entails—as the ideal destination. Our life and ministry will be more fruitful and pleasant if we take a thoughtful approach.
The Root of the Problem
It’s been an interesting study to watch believers stand in pulpits and criticize our culture as evil. Indeed, it would be difficult to disagree with the truth of that statement. Yet there is a Bible verse that outlines simple steps for making a difference in our lives and in our nation, and we don’t find a commentary on cultural finger–pointing. What we find is a call for God’s people to repent. This is the key to unlock God’s forgiveness and healing for our nation.
Second Chronicles 7:14 says, “If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.”
If My People Will Humble Themselves
Everyone who has conducted a definitive study on revival has pointed out that renewal doesn’t start in the culture. It begins in the Church. It begins in the heart of the Christian. And perhaps one of the things we can learn from some of our past failures is that if we ever get to the place where we get so culture–minded that we are not Christ–minded, we are doomed to failure. We offer the world only the emptiness of our own rhetoric. We must come to them with hearts that are overflowing with the love of God and the peace of Jesus Christ. And then we can make a difference in this world.
If My People Will Pray and Seek My Face
I could prove to you from history that the most significant changes in American culture have not started in huge rallies or even in patriotic demonstrations. They have started in quiet, small gatherings where people began to pray. And they began to pray that God would make a difference in their country. The four great spiritual awakenings that have been historically chronicled in this country were fueled by a few people seeking after God. And it began to grow until it exploded into a revival that no one could understand if they didn’t know God.
If My People Will Turn From Their Wicked Ways
If we stand up and we don’t kneel down, we have ignored the most powerful resource God has given us to win the battle that is before us. A Christian stands the tallest when he is on his knees. We have forgotten that humility is the cause of change in the culture. Some evangelical leaders call us to political mobilization and strategic marketing. Those may not be bad ideas, but God wants the Church to begin with mourning for what’s happening in our culture—and to take responsibility for whatever part we have had in it.
We shake our heads at the demise of prayer in schools, and then we don’t pray when we have the freedom and the right to do it. Statistics suggest that, while we champion the sanctity of life, we abandon our children at the same rate as non–Christians. The problem is not entirely “out there.” It’s in our hearts. And the rebuilding begins with the humbling of ourselves before God. Please join me in praying for the future of our nation and searching the Scriptures for godly wisdom.
A Prayer for America Almighty God, In all history, there has been only one nation like America—founded by pilgrims seeking freedom to worship, established on a vast continent between two oceans, dedicated to the proposition that we are created equal, and endowed by our Creator with certain unalienable rights: One nation under God. You have delivered us in war, prospered us in peace, and raised up generations willing to offer the last full measure of their devotion for the preservation of liberty at home and abroad.
We have been a light for the world. From our shores has gone the greatest missionary force in history.
But now, Lord, America has fallen into darkness, disobedience, and indifference.
We have sinned; and we, Your people, Lord, humble ourselves, and pray and seek Your face, and turn from our wicked ways. Please forgive our sin and heal our land.
Give us leaders who understand the times and know what we should do. May the torch of liberty burn brightly, inflamed by the goodness of Your people.
God, bless America.In Jesus’ Name.Amen.
According to Rick Steves, there are two kinds of European tourists: “Those who view Europe through air–conditioned bus windows, socializing with their noisy American friends, and those who are taking a vacation from America, immersing themselves in different cultures, experiencing different people and lifestyles, and broadening their perspectives.” If we hope to avoid being lumped with the “Ugly Americans” of the first group, Steves recommends behaving more like guests than critics. This requires taking a genuine interest in the people and places we visit. We may prefer our American customs and culture, but it would be insensitive to expect locals to share our feelings.
Christians living in America, or any modern nation, would be wise to follow this advice. As citizens of heaven, we yearn for the holiness and customs of our homeland. But we cannot expect our neighbors and politicians to adopt the Bible as their Magna Carta if Jesus Christ is not their Lord. Rather than pointing out all the ways our culture falls short of God’s standards, we can conduct ourselves like travel agents who are appointed to promote heaven—and all that it entails—as the ideal destination. Our life and ministry will be more fruitful and pleasant if we take a thoughtful approach.
The Root of the Problem
It’s been an interesting study to watch believers stand in pulpits and criticize our culture as evil. Indeed, it would be difficult to disagree with the truth of that statement. Yet there is a Bible verse that outlines simple steps for making a difference in our lives and in our nation, and we don’t find a commentary on cultural finger–pointing. What we find is a call for God’s people to repent. This is the key to unlock God’s forgiveness and healing for our nation.
Second Chronicles 7:14 says, “If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.”
If My People Will Humble Themselves
Everyone who has conducted a definitive study on revival has pointed out that renewal doesn’t start in the culture. It begins in the Church. It begins in the heart of the Christian. And perhaps one of the things we can learn from some of our past failures is that if we ever get to the place where we get so culture–minded that we are not Christ–minded, we are doomed to failure. We offer the world only the emptiness of our own rhetoric. We must come to them with hearts that are overflowing with the love of God and the peace of Jesus Christ. And then we can make a difference in this world.
If My People Will Pray and Seek My Face
I could prove to you from history that the most significant changes in American culture have not started in huge rallies or even in patriotic demonstrations. They have started in quiet, small gatherings where people began to pray. And they began to pray that God would make a difference in their country. The four great spiritual awakenings that have been historically chronicled in this country were fueled by a few people seeking after God. And it began to grow until it exploded into a revival that no one could understand if they didn’t know God.
If My People Will Turn From Their Wicked Ways
If we stand up and we don’t kneel down, we have ignored the most powerful resource God has given us to win the battle that is before us. A Christian stands the tallest when he is on his knees. We have forgotten that humility is the cause of change in the culture. Some evangelical leaders call us to political mobilization and strategic marketing. Those may not be bad ideas, but God wants the Church to begin with mourning for what’s happening in our culture—and to take responsibility for whatever part we have had in it.
We shake our heads at the demise of prayer in schools, and then we don’t pray when we have the freedom and the right to do it. Statistics suggest that, while we champion the sanctity of life, we abandon our children at the same rate as non–Christians. The problem is not entirely “out there.” It’s in our hearts. And the rebuilding begins with the humbling of ourselves before God. Please join me in praying for the future of our nation and searching the Scriptures for godly wisdom.
A Prayer for America Almighty God, In all history, there has been only one nation like America—founded by pilgrims seeking freedom to worship, established on a vast continent between two oceans, dedicated to the proposition that we are created equal, and endowed by our Creator with certain unalienable rights: One nation under God. You have delivered us in war, prospered us in peace, and raised up generations willing to offer the last full measure of their devotion for the preservation of liberty at home and abroad.
We have been a light for the world. From our shores has gone the greatest missionary force in history.
But now, Lord, America has fallen into darkness, disobedience, and indifference.
We have sinned; and we, Your people, Lord, humble ourselves, and pray and seek Your face, and turn from our wicked ways. Please forgive our sin and heal our land.
Give us leaders who understand the times and know what we should do. May the torch of liberty burn brightly, inflamed by the goodness of Your people.
God, bless America.In Jesus’ Name.Amen.
How to Know Jesus
Question: How do Stacie and Carrie know they'll go to Heaven?
Answer: It's not because of what they've done or who they are. It's because Jesus lives in them. Anything good in them is because of Jesus in them. They know God and His love in a personal way. They've followed what God said in His book: the Bible. They invited Jesus to be their Savior and Lord. You, too, can know God. Yes, He really does love you!
Take His Word for it:For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. -John 3:16 (NKJV) For all have sinned; all fall short of God's glorious standard.-Rom. 3:23 (NLV) For God sent Jesus to take the punishment for our sins and to satisfy God's anger against us. We are made right with God when we believe that Jesus shed his blood, sacrificing his life for us... -Rom. 3:25 (NLV) That if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. -Rom. 10:9 (NKJV) Understand that God loves you with infinite love! God is good, holy and righteous and we fall short of His perfection. So we need a Mediator, Jesus, who lovingly took our punishment for all our mistakes.
Believe that Jesus is God's Son that took your punishment. He took your punishment for all your sins (anti-God ways) and that He rose from the dead for you, __________.
Repent (turn away from) your sins (anti-God ways) and submit yourself to Him as your Lord.
Receive Jesus as your personal Savior and Lord. Talk to God and give your life to Jesus.
Pray from your heart. If it helps, pray something like this:
God, I understand now...You sent Jesus to share Your love and make it possible for me to be Yours. Please forgive me for all my sins. Jesus, I believe you took my punishment on the cross and that you rose from the dead for me personally. I turn away from doing things "my way" and ask that You rule my life, Jesus. I receive You as my Savior and Lord. I put my trust in You not in the things I do. I love You.
In Jesus' Name, Amen.
Welcome into God's family! You are now His! Get connected with a loving, Bible-based church, enjoy the supreme joy of being baptized, and savor the Savior's love forever! Read the Bible. (If you don't have one, start reading the Gospel of John by clicking here.)
He'll never divorce you. He'll never die. He'll never change. He loves you! Enjoy loving and obeying Jesus and experiencing His love forever and ever! If you'd like prayer or more information, e-mail us anytime.
Answer: It's not because of what they've done or who they are. It's because Jesus lives in them. Anything good in them is because of Jesus in them. They know God and His love in a personal way. They've followed what God said in His book: the Bible. They invited Jesus to be their Savior and Lord. You, too, can know God. Yes, He really does love you!
Take His Word for it:For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. -John 3:16 (NKJV) For all have sinned; all fall short of God's glorious standard.-Rom. 3:23 (NLV) For God sent Jesus to take the punishment for our sins and to satisfy God's anger against us. We are made right with God when we believe that Jesus shed his blood, sacrificing his life for us... -Rom. 3:25 (NLV) That if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. -Rom. 10:9 (NKJV) Understand that God loves you with infinite love! God is good, holy and righteous and we fall short of His perfection. So we need a Mediator, Jesus, who lovingly took our punishment for all our mistakes.
Believe that Jesus is God's Son that took your punishment. He took your punishment for all your sins (anti-God ways) and that He rose from the dead for you, __________.
Repent (turn away from) your sins (anti-God ways) and submit yourself to Him as your Lord.
Receive Jesus as your personal Savior and Lord. Talk to God and give your life to Jesus.
Pray from your heart. If it helps, pray something like this:
God, I understand now...You sent Jesus to share Your love and make it possible for me to be Yours. Please forgive me for all my sins. Jesus, I believe you took my punishment on the cross and that you rose from the dead for me personally. I turn away from doing things "my way" and ask that You rule my life, Jesus. I receive You as my Savior and Lord. I put my trust in You not in the things I do. I love You.
In Jesus' Name, Amen.
Welcome into God's family! You are now His! Get connected with a loving, Bible-based church, enjoy the supreme joy of being baptized, and savor the Savior's love forever! Read the Bible. (If you don't have one, start reading the Gospel of John by clicking here.)
He'll never divorce you. He'll never die. He'll never change. He loves you! Enjoy loving and obeying Jesus and experiencing His love forever and ever! If you'd like prayer or more information, e-mail us anytime.