Don't Give Up: Land of the Free Because of the Brave
Happy Independence Day! As we celebrate the 4th of July, we feel all the more passionate about keeping America free. Just like our Founding Fathers, now it's our turn to work hard and protect freedom.
As President Reagan aptly said, "Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free."
Today reminds us that it's our turn to take action to promote freedom for all! For inspiration, we encourage you to read the Declaration of Independence this July 4th. Even though we are alarmed about our country's direction, we are not in a panic. We know that God remains on the throne. He loves us and offers eternal hope in Christ!
Today, we also need to remember and honor our present heroes. America's servicemen and women and our honorable veterans deserve recognition. Reach out to them.
Think about those who served in the past and those who never came home. It's thanks to those brave Americans that we live in freedom today. Pray for Gold Star families who gather today without their heroic loved ones. Reach out to them.
A cloud of discouragement lingers for many Americans who rightly feel concerned about our beautiful country. But let us remind you: With God, all things are possible. Pray and get busy with good actions instead of only having sad reactions! Don't stare at the cloud. Look up at the Light (Jesus Christ)!
No matter what a U.S. President does, God still reigns! Psalm 47:8 attests, "God reigns over the nations; God sits upon His holy throne." Yes! God reigns higher than any high-profile official. His Word remains the final word.
And remember: When you look up at fireworks, thank God for our country. And pray for veterans who came under fire for you.
Let freedom ring,Dr. Carrie Stoelting and Stacie Stoelting Hudzinski
As President Reagan aptly said, "Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free."
Today reminds us that it's our turn to take action to promote freedom for all! For inspiration, we encourage you to read the Declaration of Independence this July 4th. Even though we are alarmed about our country's direction, we are not in a panic. We know that God remains on the throne. He loves us and offers eternal hope in Christ!
Today, we also need to remember and honor our present heroes. America's servicemen and women and our honorable veterans deserve recognition. Reach out to them.
Think about those who served in the past and those who never came home. It's thanks to those brave Americans that we live in freedom today. Pray for Gold Star families who gather today without their heroic loved ones. Reach out to them.
A cloud of discouragement lingers for many Americans who rightly feel concerned about our beautiful country. But let us remind you: With God, all things are possible. Pray and get busy with good actions instead of only having sad reactions! Don't stare at the cloud. Look up at the Light (Jesus Christ)!
No matter what a U.S. President does, God still reigns! Psalm 47:8 attests, "God reigns over the nations; God sits upon His holy throne." Yes! God reigns higher than any high-profile official. His Word remains the final word.
And remember: When you look up at fireworks, thank God for our country. And pray for veterans who came under fire for you.
Let freedom ring,Dr. Carrie Stoelting and Stacie Stoelting Hudzinski
Featured Quote
A Prayer for America
Join us in praying for our country as Dr. David Jeremiah leads in a word of prayer:
Dear Father,
Living in uncertain times, You are a certain God.Seeing turmoil all around us, You are the peace within us.And though the future may seem dim, You are the Light that illuminates our path forward.
Make us one nation under God!
May we remember the high cost that was paid to live in one nation, a nation under God. May we not be fractured by politics or pettiness, but stand together, as an indivisible people, ready to face the challenges of our future. May we graciously live within the freedom and liberty endowed to us by our Creator. And may we seek justice for all—no matter their race, color, or creed.
Make us one nation under God!
Though imperfect, let us become a more perfect union.Sometimes divided, let us learn to live indivisibly.And at times ungrateful, let we, the people, be grateful for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
In You, God, we trust to heal the wounds of our past, give us strength to endure the trials of today, and provide guidance to live together in a more peaceful tomorrow.
Make us one nation under God! May Your Word direct us,Your promises keep us,Your power protect us,And your purpose, restore us.
May our courage propel us,Love define us,Humility constrain us,And faith unite us. Make us one nation under God!
Father, we are blessed beyond measure.Thankful beyond words.And hopeful beyond imagination.Make us one nation under God.
In Jesus’ Name,Amen.
Dear Father,
Living in uncertain times, You are a certain God.Seeing turmoil all around us, You are the peace within us.And though the future may seem dim, You are the Light that illuminates our path forward.
Make us one nation under God!
May we remember the high cost that was paid to live in one nation, a nation under God. May we not be fractured by politics or pettiness, but stand together, as an indivisible people, ready to face the challenges of our future. May we graciously live within the freedom and liberty endowed to us by our Creator. And may we seek justice for all—no matter their race, color, or creed.
Make us one nation under God!
Though imperfect, let us become a more perfect union.Sometimes divided, let us learn to live indivisibly.And at times ungrateful, let we, the people, be grateful for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
In You, God, we trust to heal the wounds of our past, give us strength to endure the trials of today, and provide guidance to live together in a more peaceful tomorrow.
Make us one nation under God! May Your Word direct us,Your promises keep us,Your power protect us,And your purpose, restore us.
May our courage propel us,Love define us,Humility constrain us,And faith unite us. Make us one nation under God!
Father, we are blessed beyond measure.Thankful beyond words.And hopeful beyond imagination.Make us one nation under God.
In Jesus’ Name,Amen.
Media Appearance

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LIVE on National Report: National recording artists, authors, and cofounders of, Stacie and Carrie share how to encourage veterans by sharing God's love in word and action!
MISSION: Thank 4 Heroes by July 4th
Make this a goal and use these easy tips to thank at least four of our nation’s heroes.
1. For July 4th, many veterans and servicemen and women march in local parades. A good time to reach out and thank them is after the parade. Watch for their military distinctions on their jackets and hats. Just earnestly thank them. They will appreciate your appreciation.
2. Be sure to set aside time to thank our heroes. Visit in person or pick up the phone and call someone who served. Text them. Direct message them on social media. Reach out and let them know you are thinking about them and appreciate their time of service. In an age of technology, personal connection like a phone call or an in-person visit can mean a lot. A personal touch and the gift of time are tremendously meaningful.
3. If you have young children or grandchildren, make thank you cards together and send them to those who’ve served. That’s a wonderful way to show appreciation to our nation’s heroes and to teach the next generation about why we’re grateful for their service.
4. Don't forget our hospitalized heroes or elderly veterans in nursing homes. Send a colorful card, send a gift, or stop by and visit. Note: In God We Still Trust and Unite the USA make great gift ideas! :)
5. Invite a veteran to dinner, send a gift card to their favorite restaurant, or order/deliver a meal for them through DoorDash. Take him or a her a gift. Just do something to show that you care and that you are grateful for their service.
2. Be sure to set aside time to thank our heroes. Visit in person or pick up the phone and call someone who served. Text them. Direct message them on social media. Reach out and let them know you are thinking about them and appreciate their time of service. In an age of technology, personal connection like a phone call or an in-person visit can mean a lot. A personal touch and the gift of time are tremendously meaningful.
3. If you have young children or grandchildren, make thank you cards together and send them to those who’ve served. That’s a wonderful way to show appreciation to our nation’s heroes and to teach the next generation about why we’re grateful for their service.
4. Don't forget our hospitalized heroes or elderly veterans in nursing homes. Send a colorful card, send a gift, or stop by and visit. Note: In God We Still Trust and Unite the USA make great gift ideas! :)
5. Invite a veteran to dinner, send a gift card to their favorite restaurant, or order/deliver a meal for them through DoorDash. Take him or a her a gift. Just do something to show that you care and that you are grateful for their service.
Featured Bible Verse
Unite the USA's
Featured Veteran of the Month: George "Bud" Day

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Medal of Honor Recipient George "Bud" Day
In God We Still Trust

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Our country needs to turn to Jesus. Listen to "In God We Still Trust" for inspiration to keep "fighting the good fight". For hope and encouragement, listen to Stacie Ruth and Carrie Beth sing "In God We Still Trust".
How To Pray for America
By Dr. Adrian Rogers (1931-2005)
This God-blessed America of ours is at a crossroads. Back in the year 2000, we had an election followed by a 36-day ordeal, and we found out then that our nation is divided by an almost 50-50 split. And then came Sept. 11, 2001, when we found out our nation was under assault by a deadly, cruel and merciless enemy—a clash of civilizations and world values. I say again, we are at a crossroads, a crisis, and we dare not be lackadaisical.
Instead, let’s talk seriously about prayer for America—a revival prayer. Our greatest resource is prayer. Our only hope is God. Do you believe that? I hope you believe that with all of your heart.
We read in Daniel 9 that God’s people had been taken captive by the Babylonians. And Daniel now is asking the Lord for deliverance. You say, “What does that have to do with America?” America has been taken captive by the world, the flesh and the devil. We need a national, moral and spiritual revival, and without that there is no hope. Only prayer can hold back the judgment of God. The raging waters of God’s wrath are furiously beating upon the dam of His mercy. Now God is a merciful God, but if we do not pray, we are going to get exactly what we deserve.
So, what kind of prayer is it that God answers? First, we are to pray with serious concentration. Daniel 9:3 says, “Then I set my face toward the Lord God.” Have you ever set your face? Ever said, “Dear God, I’m going to pray with every inch, every ounce, every nerve, every sinew?”
Sure, we pray, but with little effect. It’s not the arithmetic of our prayers, as in how many. It’s not how eloquent or how long or how sweet or how argumentative our prayers. Friend, it is the faith and fervency of our prayers.
When we talk about our nation, we must start with God’s house. Judgment must begin at the house of God. We as a church must repent—of playing church, of praying without fasting, of witnessing without tears, of giving without sacrifice. Is it any wonder that we sow without reaping? We need God’s mercy, and prayer is the order of the day. But not just any prayer. Prayer and fasting. Does that seem odd to you? Fanatical? That we in this 21st century should pray and fast? In Matthew 6:16, Jesus says, “Moreover, when you fast, do not be like the hypocrites, with a sad countenance. For they disfigure their faces that they may appear to men to be fasting. Assuredly, I say to you, they have their reward.” Our Lord didn’t say, “If you fast,” He says, “When you fast.”
Leonard Ravenhill said, “The church has gone from its upper room with its fire, to its supper room with its smoke.” Now, I’m not against fellowships. Our Lord is constantly saying to His children, “Come and dine.” But the Bible also calls for fasting. We are to pray and fast. And in so doing, pray and fast for America, and for the church.
What can fasting do? Rightly practiced, fasting can strengthen your prayer life, but it can also turn back judgment.
In Jonah 3:5, we read: “So the people of Nineveh believed God, proclaimed a fast, and put on sackcloth, from the greatest to the least of them.” And in verse 10, “Then God saw their works, that they turned from their evil way; and God relented from the disaster that He had said He would bring upon them, and He did not do it.”
God changed His mind. Nineveh was ripe for judgment. Put this in your heart and mind: God would rather show mercy than judgment. God wants to forgive. Have we crossed a line in America? Is it too late for our nation? No, absolutely not. In Jeremiah 18:7-8, the Lord says: “The instant I speak concerning a nation and concerning a kingdom, to pluck up, to pull down, and to destroy it, if that nation against whom I have spoken turns from its evil, I will relent of the disaster that I thought to bring upon it.”
Friend, we are in a cosmic battle and our weapon is prayer. I love what Bible teacher Ron Dunn had to say about prayer: “Prayer is like a missile. It can fly at the speed of thought. It can reach any target anywhere, and there is no anti-ballistic missile that can shoot it down.”
In Daniel we see a model of how confessional prayer moves the heart of God. Daniel 9:20 says, “Now while I was speaking, praying, and confessing my sin and the sin of my people Israel, and presenting my supplication before the Lord my God for the holy mountain of my God.”
Daniel confessed his personal sin and he confessed national sin. In America, there is much to confess. First of all, we must confess greed. We are a materialistic nation. We know more about Wall Street and Madison Avenue than about the Prophet Daniel. Also, we need to confess our neglect of the poor; our racism, which has divided our country. We need to confess our sexual immorality; our killing of the unborn; our godless humanism that pervades our schools. Do you know what most of us want? We want revival so that we can return to our own ways, so we can go back again one more time, once God gets us out of our difficulty. Instead, we should want a burning in our hearts for the glory of God. We should want God to do something that cannot be explained by technology, personality, propaganda or persuasion. We should want the removal of guilt and the glory of God. That is revival—not for America’s sake, but for the glory of God.
Are you on praying ground? It is prayer time in America. James 5:16 says, “The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.” Thank God for that. Would you pray with me? “O God, send revival, for Your glory; let it begin in me. Then Lord, let it move into my family and into my class, into my church, into my city, and throughout this world.” Amen.
This God-blessed America of ours is at a crossroads. Back in the year 2000, we had an election followed by a 36-day ordeal, and we found out then that our nation is divided by an almost 50-50 split. And then came Sept. 11, 2001, when we found out our nation was under assault by a deadly, cruel and merciless enemy—a clash of civilizations and world values. I say again, we are at a crossroads, a crisis, and we dare not be lackadaisical.
Instead, let’s talk seriously about prayer for America—a revival prayer. Our greatest resource is prayer. Our only hope is God. Do you believe that? I hope you believe that with all of your heart.
We read in Daniel 9 that God’s people had been taken captive by the Babylonians. And Daniel now is asking the Lord for deliverance. You say, “What does that have to do with America?” America has been taken captive by the world, the flesh and the devil. We need a national, moral and spiritual revival, and without that there is no hope. Only prayer can hold back the judgment of God. The raging waters of God’s wrath are furiously beating upon the dam of His mercy. Now God is a merciful God, but if we do not pray, we are going to get exactly what we deserve.
So, what kind of prayer is it that God answers? First, we are to pray with serious concentration. Daniel 9:3 says, “Then I set my face toward the Lord God.” Have you ever set your face? Ever said, “Dear God, I’m going to pray with every inch, every ounce, every nerve, every sinew?”
Sure, we pray, but with little effect. It’s not the arithmetic of our prayers, as in how many. It’s not how eloquent or how long or how sweet or how argumentative our prayers. Friend, it is the faith and fervency of our prayers.
When we talk about our nation, we must start with God’s house. Judgment must begin at the house of God. We as a church must repent—of playing church, of praying without fasting, of witnessing without tears, of giving without sacrifice. Is it any wonder that we sow without reaping? We need God’s mercy, and prayer is the order of the day. But not just any prayer. Prayer and fasting. Does that seem odd to you? Fanatical? That we in this 21st century should pray and fast? In Matthew 6:16, Jesus says, “Moreover, when you fast, do not be like the hypocrites, with a sad countenance. For they disfigure their faces that they may appear to men to be fasting. Assuredly, I say to you, they have their reward.” Our Lord didn’t say, “If you fast,” He says, “When you fast.”
Leonard Ravenhill said, “The church has gone from its upper room with its fire, to its supper room with its smoke.” Now, I’m not against fellowships. Our Lord is constantly saying to His children, “Come and dine.” But the Bible also calls for fasting. We are to pray and fast. And in so doing, pray and fast for America, and for the church.
What can fasting do? Rightly practiced, fasting can strengthen your prayer life, but it can also turn back judgment.
In Jonah 3:5, we read: “So the people of Nineveh believed God, proclaimed a fast, and put on sackcloth, from the greatest to the least of them.” And in verse 10, “Then God saw their works, that they turned from their evil way; and God relented from the disaster that He had said He would bring upon them, and He did not do it.”
God changed His mind. Nineveh was ripe for judgment. Put this in your heart and mind: God would rather show mercy than judgment. God wants to forgive. Have we crossed a line in America? Is it too late for our nation? No, absolutely not. In Jeremiah 18:7-8, the Lord says: “The instant I speak concerning a nation and concerning a kingdom, to pluck up, to pull down, and to destroy it, if that nation against whom I have spoken turns from its evil, I will relent of the disaster that I thought to bring upon it.”
Friend, we are in a cosmic battle and our weapon is prayer. I love what Bible teacher Ron Dunn had to say about prayer: “Prayer is like a missile. It can fly at the speed of thought. It can reach any target anywhere, and there is no anti-ballistic missile that can shoot it down.”
In Daniel we see a model of how confessional prayer moves the heart of God. Daniel 9:20 says, “Now while I was speaking, praying, and confessing my sin and the sin of my people Israel, and presenting my supplication before the Lord my God for the holy mountain of my God.”
Daniel confessed his personal sin and he confessed national sin. In America, there is much to confess. First of all, we must confess greed. We are a materialistic nation. We know more about Wall Street and Madison Avenue than about the Prophet Daniel. Also, we need to confess our neglect of the poor; our racism, which has divided our country. We need to confess our sexual immorality; our killing of the unborn; our godless humanism that pervades our schools. Do you know what most of us want? We want revival so that we can return to our own ways, so we can go back again one more time, once God gets us out of our difficulty. Instead, we should want a burning in our hearts for the glory of God. We should want God to do something that cannot be explained by technology, personality, propaganda or persuasion. We should want the removal of guilt and the glory of God. That is revival—not for America’s sake, but for the glory of God.
Are you on praying ground? It is prayer time in America. James 5:16 says, “The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.” Thank God for that. Would you pray with me? “O God, send revival, for Your glory; let it begin in me. Then Lord, let it move into my family and into my class, into my church, into my city, and throughout this world.” Amen.
How to Know Jesus
Question: How do Stacie and Carrie know they'll go to Heaven?
Answer: It's not because of what they've done or who they are. It's because Jesus lives in them. Anything good in them is because of Jesus in them. They know God and His love in a personal way. They've followed what God said in His book: the Bible. They invited Jesus to be their Savior and Lord. You, too, can know God. Yes, He really does love you!
Take His Word for it:For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. -John 3:16 (NKJV)
For all have sinned; all fall short of God's glorious standard.-Rom. 3:23 (NLV)
For God sent Jesus to take the punishment for our sins and to satisfy God's anger against us. We are made right with God when we believe that Jesus shed his blood, sacrificing his life for us... -Rom. 3:25 (NLV)
That if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. -Rom. 10:9 (NKJV)
Understand that God loves you with infinite love! God is good, holy and righteous and we fall short of His perfection. So we need a Mediator, Jesus, who lovingly took our punishment for all our mistakes.
Believe that Jesus is God's Son that took your punishment. He took your punishment for all your sins (anti-God ways) and that He rose from the dead for you, __________.
Repent (turn away from) your sins (anti-God ways) and submit yourself to Him as your Lord.
Receive Jesus as your personal Savior and Lord. Talk to God and give your life to Jesus.
Pray from your heart. If it helps, pray something like this:
God, I understand now...You sent Jesus to share Your love and make it possible for me to be Yours. Please forgive me for all my sins. Jesus, I believe you took my punishment on the cross and that you rose from the dead for me personally. I turn away from doing things "my way" and ask that You rule my life, Jesus. I receive You as my Savior and Lord. I put my trust in You not in the things I do. I love You.
In Jesus' Name, Amen.
Welcome into God's family! You are now His! Get connected with a loving, Bible-based church, enjoy the supreme joy of being baptized, and savor the Savior's love forever! Read the Bible. (If you don't have one, start reading the Gospel of John by clicking here.)
He'll never divorce you. He'll never die. He'll never change. He loves you! Enjoy loving and obeying Jesus and experiencing His love forever and ever! If you'd like prayer or more information, e-mail us anytime.
Answer: It's not because of what they've done or who they are. It's because Jesus lives in them. Anything good in them is because of Jesus in them. They know God and His love in a personal way. They've followed what God said in His book: the Bible. They invited Jesus to be their Savior and Lord. You, too, can know God. Yes, He really does love you!
Take His Word for it:For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. -John 3:16 (NKJV)
For all have sinned; all fall short of God's glorious standard.-Rom. 3:23 (NLV)
For God sent Jesus to take the punishment for our sins and to satisfy God's anger against us. We are made right with God when we believe that Jesus shed his blood, sacrificing his life for us... -Rom. 3:25 (NLV)
That if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. -Rom. 10:9 (NKJV)
Understand that God loves you with infinite love! God is good, holy and righteous and we fall short of His perfection. So we need a Mediator, Jesus, who lovingly took our punishment for all our mistakes.
Believe that Jesus is God's Son that took your punishment. He took your punishment for all your sins (anti-God ways) and that He rose from the dead for you, __________.
Repent (turn away from) your sins (anti-God ways) and submit yourself to Him as your Lord.
Receive Jesus as your personal Savior and Lord. Talk to God and give your life to Jesus.
Pray from your heart. If it helps, pray something like this:
God, I understand now...You sent Jesus to share Your love and make it possible for me to be Yours. Please forgive me for all my sins. Jesus, I believe you took my punishment on the cross and that you rose from the dead for me personally. I turn away from doing things "my way" and ask that You rule my life, Jesus. I receive You as my Savior and Lord. I put my trust in You not in the things I do. I love You.
In Jesus' Name, Amen.
Welcome into God's family! You are now His! Get connected with a loving, Bible-based church, enjoy the supreme joy of being baptized, and savor the Savior's love forever! Read the Bible. (If you don't have one, start reading the Gospel of John by clicking here.)
He'll never divorce you. He'll never die. He'll never change. He loves you! Enjoy loving and obeying Jesus and experiencing His love forever and ever! If you'd like prayer or more information, e-mail us anytime.