Hope for America: God Can Work Quickly and Surprisingly
When we read the headlines or watch the news, it is tempting to feel depressed and worried. But we need to place our face in God and trust Him throughout it all. Nothing surprises Him: He remains sovereign. He continues to be King of kings and Lord of lords. He's higher than any human leader. And Christ will definitely return and make all things right.
No one regrets following our awesome Lord Jesus Christ. Now is not the time to doubt or despair. Now is the time to remember God remains good and He never loses!
With that eternal guarantee, we must remember that God can work in mysterious ways. And, after working "behind the scenes" with unparalleled literally countless details, He often suddenly makes a visible move and surprises people! Isaiah 55: 8-9 says, “'For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,' declares the Lord. 'As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts...”
Political polls and pundits make loud, frequent mistakes. It is impossible for a single "predictive" polling source to be reliably accurate all of the time: No one knows the future and the many intertwining details except for God Almighty. Many times God allows things to happen for reasons we may not always understand. But we are to trust Him. And that includes trusting Him for our country's future, too.
Here are just a few examples of how God has worked surprisingly and unexpectedly:
The ugly Berlin Wall loomed with vast oppression for many years. It appeared permanent. But do you know how it finally did come down? Its fall started due to a clerical error. Yes, a clerical error! It happened quickly and unexpectedly, but God knew all the details leading to the visible victory.
Many times, the Lord works through unlikely people and places. For example, Phyllis Schlafly saw the ultra-liberal dangers hidden in the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) movement and she decided to do something about it. She started working right from her own kitchen table and it ultimately grew into a movement that protected freedom for women and men. She even ended up knowing President Reagan personally having her own organization to defend Constitutional freedoms.
Another example of how God can work in surprising ways is found in the Iowa countryside. God turned what was once a farm place into a ministry called Mission Central. When driving along the gravel road in rural Iowa, one would never expect to find the headquarters supporting many missionaries around the world!
It all started on June 1, 1994 in a farmhouse basement. Former Iowa businessman and banker Gary Thies listened to the Lord and accepted His call to oversee this special ministry. He prayed for the Lord to raise up “not normal” people who would take the mission of Jesus personally and support missionaries around the world. And the Lord has certainly provided.
Mission Central is a place where missionaries can stay when on home service. It offers offices where some of the 104 volunteers can work to support many missionaries, facilities for mission events and worship space for more than 300 people, and a museum and creation theater.
The Midwest supplied a setting for another unexpected inspirational real-life story: Father Edward J. Flanagan was a priest assigned to the Diocese of Omaha in the early 20th century. Sadly, there were many homeless, abandoned boys on the streets of Omaha. Father Flanagan was deeply stirred by this calamity and decided to do something about it. He believed that children had the right to be valued, to have the basic necessities of life, and to be protected. In 1917, he founded and opened Father Flanagan's Boys Home.
This later became known as Boys Town, which has championed the causes of children across the country. Over one hundred years later, Father Flanagan’s mission and ministry to help children continues on. It offers countless resources to equip and empower countless lives!
Jesus came to us, He is with us, and He is coming again. And because of that truth, those who know Him have hope and a future. Seek the Lord and ask Him what He wants you to do. He works in ways both seen and unseen. And He works in ways and through people exponentially; many times we do not know the impact of how God is working through us. But we must be willing and obedient to follow through when He calls. Nothing is impossible with God!
This same truth applies to America. May we do our part to kneel in prayer to then stand up and protect this beautiful land. We believe that God has a plan for the USA but each one of us must do our part. Don't give up! God remains good and God remains God. With His help, let's actively love Him and neighbors. He is still working!
In God we still trust, Carrie and Stacie
No one regrets following our awesome Lord Jesus Christ. Now is not the time to doubt or despair. Now is the time to remember God remains good and He never loses!
With that eternal guarantee, we must remember that God can work in mysterious ways. And, after working "behind the scenes" with unparalleled literally countless details, He often suddenly makes a visible move and surprises people! Isaiah 55: 8-9 says, “'For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,' declares the Lord. 'As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts...”
Political polls and pundits make loud, frequent mistakes. It is impossible for a single "predictive" polling source to be reliably accurate all of the time: No one knows the future and the many intertwining details except for God Almighty. Many times God allows things to happen for reasons we may not always understand. But we are to trust Him. And that includes trusting Him for our country's future, too.
Here are just a few examples of how God has worked surprisingly and unexpectedly:
The ugly Berlin Wall loomed with vast oppression for many years. It appeared permanent. But do you know how it finally did come down? Its fall started due to a clerical error. Yes, a clerical error! It happened quickly and unexpectedly, but God knew all the details leading to the visible victory.
Many times, the Lord works through unlikely people and places. For example, Phyllis Schlafly saw the ultra-liberal dangers hidden in the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) movement and she decided to do something about it. She started working right from her own kitchen table and it ultimately grew into a movement that protected freedom for women and men. She even ended up knowing President Reagan personally having her own organization to defend Constitutional freedoms.
Another example of how God can work in surprising ways is found in the Iowa countryside. God turned what was once a farm place into a ministry called Mission Central. When driving along the gravel road in rural Iowa, one would never expect to find the headquarters supporting many missionaries around the world!
It all started on June 1, 1994 in a farmhouse basement. Former Iowa businessman and banker Gary Thies listened to the Lord and accepted His call to oversee this special ministry. He prayed for the Lord to raise up “not normal” people who would take the mission of Jesus personally and support missionaries around the world. And the Lord has certainly provided.
Mission Central is a place where missionaries can stay when on home service. It offers offices where some of the 104 volunteers can work to support many missionaries, facilities for mission events and worship space for more than 300 people, and a museum and creation theater.
The Midwest supplied a setting for another unexpected inspirational real-life story: Father Edward J. Flanagan was a priest assigned to the Diocese of Omaha in the early 20th century. Sadly, there were many homeless, abandoned boys on the streets of Omaha. Father Flanagan was deeply stirred by this calamity and decided to do something about it. He believed that children had the right to be valued, to have the basic necessities of life, and to be protected. In 1917, he founded and opened Father Flanagan's Boys Home.
This later became known as Boys Town, which has championed the causes of children across the country. Over one hundred years later, Father Flanagan’s mission and ministry to help children continues on. It offers countless resources to equip and empower countless lives!
Jesus came to us, He is with us, and He is coming again. And because of that truth, those who know Him have hope and a future. Seek the Lord and ask Him what He wants you to do. He works in ways both seen and unseen. And He works in ways and through people exponentially; many times we do not know the impact of how God is working through us. But we must be willing and obedient to follow through when He calls. Nothing is impossible with God!
This same truth applies to America. May we do our part to kneel in prayer to then stand up and protect this beautiful land. We believe that God has a plan for the USA but each one of us must do our part. Don't give up! God remains good and God remains God. With His help, let's actively love Him and neighbors. He is still working!
In God we still trust, Carrie and Stacie
How To Know Jesus
Featured Quote
“If ever there was a time this country needed the intervention of God, it is now. We can and should pray for America as a whole, but remember that when God sets out to change a nation, He begins by changing people. It starts with individuals.” -Billy Graham
A Message of Hope

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Here's a message by Dr. David Jeremiah you won't want to miss! It reminds us that there is hope and why we should not give up. God knows so much more than we do. He sees the big picture. He knows how there are intricate details (both seen and unseen) that are happening and are working together to be completed at just the right time to give Him glory. Do not give up and keep praying!
Featured Bible Verse
Think About It
“The Gospel is this: We are more sinful and flawed in ourselves than we ever dared believe, yet at the very same time we are more loved and accepted in Jesus Christ than we ever dared hope.” -Dr. Tim Keller
Unite the USA's
Featured Veteran of the Month:
Hershel "Woody" Williams

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WWII Medal Of Honor Recipient Hershel "Woody" Williams
Question: How do Stacie and Carrie know they'll go to Heaven?Answer: It's not because of what they've done or who they are. It's because Jesus lives in them.
Anything good in them is because of Jesus in them. They know God and His love in a personal way. They've followed what God said in His book: the Bible. They invited Jesus to be their Savior and Lord. You, too, can know God. Yes, He really does love you!
Take His Word for it:For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. -John 3:16 (NKJV) For all have sinned; all fall short of God's glorious standard.-Rom. 3:23 (NLV) For God sent Jesus to take the punishment for our sins and to satisfy God's anger against us. We are made right with God when we believe that Jesus shed his blood, sacrificing his life for us... -Rom. 3:25 (NLV) that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. -Rom. 10:9 (NKJV)
Understand that God loves you with infinite love! God is good, holy and righteous and we fall short of His perfection. So we need a Mediator, Jesus, who lovingly took our punishment for all our mistakes.
Believe that Jesus is God's Son that took your punishment. He took your punishment for all your sins (anti-God ways) and that He rose from the dead for you, __________.
Repent (turn away from) your sins (anti-God ways) and submit yourself to Him as your Lord.
Receive Jesus as your personal Savior and Lord. Talk to God and give your life to Jesus.
Pray from your heart. If it helps, pray something like this:
God, I understand now...You sent Jesus to share Your love and make it possible for me to be Yours. Please forgive me for all my sins. Jesus, I believe you took my punishment on the cross and that you rose from the dead for me personally. I turn away from doing things "my way" and ask that You rule my life, Jesus. I receive You as my Savior and Lord. I put my trust in You not in the things I do. I love You.
In Jesus' Name,Amen.
Welcome into God's family! You are now His! Get connected with a loving, Bible-based church, enjoy the supreme joy of being baptized, and savor the Savior's love forever! Read the Bible. (If you don't have one, start reading the Gospel of John by clicking here.)
He'll never divorce you. He'll never die. He'll never change. He loves you! Enjoy loving and obeying Jesus and experiencing His love forever and ever! If you'd like prayer or more information, e-mail us anytime.
Anything good in them is because of Jesus in them. They know God and His love in a personal way. They've followed what God said in His book: the Bible. They invited Jesus to be their Savior and Lord. You, too, can know God. Yes, He really does love you!
Take His Word for it:For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. -John 3:16 (NKJV) For all have sinned; all fall short of God's glorious standard.-Rom. 3:23 (NLV) For God sent Jesus to take the punishment for our sins and to satisfy God's anger against us. We are made right with God when we believe that Jesus shed his blood, sacrificing his life for us... -Rom. 3:25 (NLV) that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. -Rom. 10:9 (NKJV)
Understand that God loves you with infinite love! God is good, holy and righteous and we fall short of His perfection. So we need a Mediator, Jesus, who lovingly took our punishment for all our mistakes.
Believe that Jesus is God's Son that took your punishment. He took your punishment for all your sins (anti-God ways) and that He rose from the dead for you, __________.
Repent (turn away from) your sins (anti-God ways) and submit yourself to Him as your Lord.
Receive Jesus as your personal Savior and Lord. Talk to God and give your life to Jesus.
Pray from your heart. If it helps, pray something like this:
God, I understand now...You sent Jesus to share Your love and make it possible for me to be Yours. Please forgive me for all my sins. Jesus, I believe you took my punishment on the cross and that you rose from the dead for me personally. I turn away from doing things "my way" and ask that You rule my life, Jesus. I receive You as my Savior and Lord. I put my trust in You not in the things I do. I love You.
In Jesus' Name,Amen.
Welcome into God's family! You are now His! Get connected with a loving, Bible-based church, enjoy the supreme joy of being baptized, and savor the Savior's love forever! Read the Bible. (If you don't have one, start reading the Gospel of John by clicking here.)
He'll never divorce you. He'll never die. He'll never change. He loves you! Enjoy loving and obeying Jesus and experiencing His love forever and ever! If you'd like prayer or more information, e-mail us anytime.