Presidents' Day: Important Reasons to Observe It
Happy Presidents' Day!
By understanding the best qualities of leaders we can learn to identify and select leaders for today. Presidents' Day offers an opportunity to discover and learn about the best and worst qualities of past leaders. The Christian faith deeply influenced and developed the best qualities of certain leaders to promote the best aspects of U.S. History.
Why does it occur in February? February holds many historical American birthdays. For example, President George Washington was born on February 22, 1732 and President Abraham Lincoln was born on February 12, 1809. In the past, America paused to recognize both leaders' birth dates. In 1968, a Congressional Act moved celebrating Washington’s Birthday to the third Monday in February. This holiday is now called Presidents Day and celebrates all of America’s presidents.
Christian Faith and Presidents of the Past
Misguided groups try to scrub out the Christian influence on the best aspects of U.S. History. Sadly, this includes ignoring the best qualities of certain Presidents. Schools have been renamed that once honored former presidents like George Washington himself. Pictures of former presidents have been removed at several locations throughout the country. Statues of presidents have been taken down due to being deemed "offensive" by those saturated by the woke agenda. School books now teach that George Washington was a deist, that is, if they bother to include him at all.
Whenever the Christian faith influenced leaders, the best aspects of America emerged. America formed a melting pot for the finest qualities of people from around the world. Americans must uncover their rich heritage of pointing people to our Creator.
The best parts of America trace themselves to the Christian influence on leadership. We were founded and shaped by Christian values and there is substantial proof of that fact documented throughout our history. Historical documents repeatedly attest to this fact.
Why Study Past Presidents and Policies
For the sake of freedom, it is important to share the truth of our history (as in this edition). Sadly, certain textbooks in schools attempt to remove the positive influences of Christianity. But rewriting history deletes freedom. We must study history so we can learn what to to do and what not to do. President Woodrow Wilson wisely said, “A nation which does not remember what it was yesterday, does not know what it is today, nor what it is trying to do. We are trying to do a futile thing if we do not know where we came from or what we have been about.”
Preserving Freedom for Generations
Each generation must assume responsibility to pursue sound education (including about our heritage) and prioritize prayer for our nation. Consider the fragility of freedom. President Ronald Reagan famously said, “Freedom is a fragile thing and it's never more than one generation away from extinction. It is not ours by way of inheritance; it must be fought for and defended constantly by each generation, for it comes only once to a people. And those in world history who have known freedom and then lost it have never known it again.”
Hence, this February, Unite the USA is pleased share several resources sharing the truth about presidential history especially about George Washington. Enjoy our feature article, Why Washington is "the Father of our Country" and watch George Washington: The Christian to learn the truth about how important following Jesus was in his life. Read insightful tips about how you can learn about our U.S. Presidents and heritage in this month's Action Center. Learn from eye opening videos about the faith of former U.S. Presidents in a video presentation by David Barton, Tim Barton, and Stephen Mansfield.
It is our responsibility to pray for our country and to do everything possible to protect our God given freedoms as described in the Constitution. Do your part to be involved in civics, teach your kids and grandkids the truth about our history, pray for our country, and get out and vote for candidates who support the Constitution and desire to follow God.
Inspiration for Education
In summary, the best aspects of America trace themselves to the Christian influence on leaders and policies. When we understand the best leaders, we learn to identify and select the best leaders of today. America formed the melting pot of the best qualities of people groups seeking a fresh start in a new land. Let us boldly pray and confidently stand up for freedom in our beautiful land! Countless people yet unborn will reflect in how we stood up, prayed, selected leaders, and carried the torch of faith-filled freedoms for them. On Presidents' Day, pause to think about that fact and pray accordingly. In God we still trust,Carrie and Stacie
By understanding the best qualities of leaders we can learn to identify and select leaders for today. Presidents' Day offers an opportunity to discover and learn about the best and worst qualities of past leaders. The Christian faith deeply influenced and developed the best qualities of certain leaders to promote the best aspects of U.S. History.
Why does it occur in February? February holds many historical American birthdays. For example, President George Washington was born on February 22, 1732 and President Abraham Lincoln was born on February 12, 1809. In the past, America paused to recognize both leaders' birth dates. In 1968, a Congressional Act moved celebrating Washington’s Birthday to the third Monday in February. This holiday is now called Presidents Day and celebrates all of America’s presidents.
Christian Faith and Presidents of the Past
Misguided groups try to scrub out the Christian influence on the best aspects of U.S. History. Sadly, this includes ignoring the best qualities of certain Presidents. Schools have been renamed that once honored former presidents like George Washington himself. Pictures of former presidents have been removed at several locations throughout the country. Statues of presidents have been taken down due to being deemed "offensive" by those saturated by the woke agenda. School books now teach that George Washington was a deist, that is, if they bother to include him at all.
Whenever the Christian faith influenced leaders, the best aspects of America emerged. America formed a melting pot for the finest qualities of people from around the world. Americans must uncover their rich heritage of pointing people to our Creator.
The best parts of America trace themselves to the Christian influence on leadership. We were founded and shaped by Christian values and there is substantial proof of that fact documented throughout our history. Historical documents repeatedly attest to this fact.
Why Study Past Presidents and Policies
For the sake of freedom, it is important to share the truth of our history (as in this edition). Sadly, certain textbooks in schools attempt to remove the positive influences of Christianity. But rewriting history deletes freedom. We must study history so we can learn what to to do and what not to do. President Woodrow Wilson wisely said, “A nation which does not remember what it was yesterday, does not know what it is today, nor what it is trying to do. We are trying to do a futile thing if we do not know where we came from or what we have been about.”
Preserving Freedom for Generations
Each generation must assume responsibility to pursue sound education (including about our heritage) and prioritize prayer for our nation. Consider the fragility of freedom. President Ronald Reagan famously said, “Freedom is a fragile thing and it's never more than one generation away from extinction. It is not ours by way of inheritance; it must be fought for and defended constantly by each generation, for it comes only once to a people. And those in world history who have known freedom and then lost it have never known it again.”
Hence, this February, Unite the USA is pleased share several resources sharing the truth about presidential history especially about George Washington. Enjoy our feature article, Why Washington is "the Father of our Country" and watch George Washington: The Christian to learn the truth about how important following Jesus was in his life. Read insightful tips about how you can learn about our U.S. Presidents and heritage in this month's Action Center. Learn from eye opening videos about the faith of former U.S. Presidents in a video presentation by David Barton, Tim Barton, and Stephen Mansfield.
It is our responsibility to pray for our country and to do everything possible to protect our God given freedoms as described in the Constitution. Do your part to be involved in civics, teach your kids and grandkids the truth about our history, pray for our country, and get out and vote for candidates who support the Constitution and desire to follow God.
Inspiration for Education
In summary, the best aspects of America trace themselves to the Christian influence on leaders and policies. When we understand the best leaders, we learn to identify and select the best leaders of today. America formed the melting pot of the best qualities of people groups seeking a fresh start in a new land. Let us boldly pray and confidently stand up for freedom in our beautiful land! Countless people yet unborn will reflect in how we stood up, prayed, selected leaders, and carried the torch of faith-filled freedoms for them. On Presidents' Day, pause to think about that fact and pray accordingly. In God we still trust,Carrie and Stacie
Featured Quote
"Give me grace to hear You calling on me in Your Word, that it may be wisdom, righteousness, reconciliation and the peace to the saving of the soul in the day of the Lord Jesus Christ."-George Washington, 1st President of the United States (1789-1797)
Featured Bible Verse
America's Hidden History: Presidents' Day

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Join Historian David Barton, Tim Barton, and Stephen Mansfield as they uncover the stories some historians don’t what you to know about American history and former U.S. presidents. You will see original documents and well researched information especially about the Christian faith of several U.S. Presidents including George Washington and Abraham Lincoln.
George Washington: The Christian

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Learn the facts about George Washington as a humble follower of Jesus Christ. Dr. Frank Wright discusses this truth with Dr. Jerry Newcombe, the executive director of Providence Forum. And Dr. D. James Kennedy leads us into a deeper exploration of the faith of the Father of our Country in his message called "George Washington: The Christian."
How To Know Jesus
Question: How do Stacie and Carrie know they'll go to Heaven?Answer: It's not because of what they've done or who they are. It's because Jesus lives in them.
Anything good in them is because of Jesus in them. They know God and His love in a personal way. They've followed what God said in His book: the Bible. They invited Jesus to be their Savior and Lord. You, too, can know God. Yes, He really does love you!
Take His Word for it:For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. -John 3:16 (NKJV) For all have sinned; all fall short of God's glorious standard.-Rom. 3:23 (NLV) For God sent Jesus to take the punishment for our sins and to satisfy God's anger against us. We are made right with God when we believe that Jesus shed his blood, sacrificing his life for us... -Rom. 3:25 (NLV) That if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. -Rom. 10:9 (NKJV)
Understand that God loves you with infinite love! God is good, holy and righteous and we fall short of His perfection. So we need a Mediator, Jesus, who lovingly took our punishment for all our mistakes.
Believe that Jesus is God's Son that took your punishment. He took your punishment for all your sins (anti-God ways) and that He rose from the dead for you, __________.
Repent (turn away from) your sins (anti-God ways) and submit yourself to Him as your Lord.
Receive Jesus as your personal Savior and Lord. Talk to God and give your life to Jesus.
Pray from your heart. If it helps, pray something like this:
God, I understand now...You sent Jesus to share Your love and make it possible for me to be Yours. Please forgive me for all my sins. Jesus, I believe you took my punishment on the cross and that you rose from the dead for me personally. I turn away from doing things "my way" and ask that You rule my life, Jesus. I receive You as my Savior and Lord. I put my trust in You not in the things I do. I love You.
In Jesus' Name,Amen.
Welcome into God's family! You are now His! Get connected with a loving, Bible-based church, enjoy the supreme joy of being baptized, and savor the Savior's love forever! Read the Bible. (If you don't have one, start reading the Gospel of John by clicking here.)
He'll never divorce you. He'll never die. He'll never change. He loves you! Enjoy loving and obeying Jesus and experiencing His love forever and ever! If you'd like prayer or more information, e-mail us anytime.
Anything good in them is because of Jesus in them. They know God and His love in a personal way. They've followed what God said in His book: the Bible. They invited Jesus to be their Savior and Lord. You, too, can know God. Yes, He really does love you!
Take His Word for it:For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. -John 3:16 (NKJV) For all have sinned; all fall short of God's glorious standard.-Rom. 3:23 (NLV) For God sent Jesus to take the punishment for our sins and to satisfy God's anger against us. We are made right with God when we believe that Jesus shed his blood, sacrificing his life for us... -Rom. 3:25 (NLV) That if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. -Rom. 10:9 (NKJV)
Understand that God loves you with infinite love! God is good, holy and righteous and we fall short of His perfection. So we need a Mediator, Jesus, who lovingly took our punishment for all our mistakes.
Believe that Jesus is God's Son that took your punishment. He took your punishment for all your sins (anti-God ways) and that He rose from the dead for you, __________.
Repent (turn away from) your sins (anti-God ways) and submit yourself to Him as your Lord.
Receive Jesus as your personal Savior and Lord. Talk to God and give your life to Jesus.
Pray from your heart. If it helps, pray something like this:
God, I understand now...You sent Jesus to share Your love and make it possible for me to be Yours. Please forgive me for all my sins. Jesus, I believe you took my punishment on the cross and that you rose from the dead for me personally. I turn away from doing things "my way" and ask that You rule my life, Jesus. I receive You as my Savior and Lord. I put my trust in You not in the things I do. I love You.
In Jesus' Name,Amen.
Welcome into God's family! You are now His! Get connected with a loving, Bible-based church, enjoy the supreme joy of being baptized, and savor the Savior's love forever! Read the Bible. (If you don't have one, start reading the Gospel of John by clicking here.)
He'll never divorce you. He'll never die. He'll never change. He loves you! Enjoy loving and obeying Jesus and experiencing His love forever and ever! If you'd like prayer or more information, e-mail us anytime.
Presidents' Day Action Center
Are you wondering how you can make this Presidents' Day 'come alive' this week? Learn about the remarkable people who have led our great nation. Here are some suggestions to help educate and enlighten you about our U.S. Presidents:
1. Click here to visit the White House web site and view biographies and pictures of America's presidents.
2. First Ladies have been very important. What would our U.S. President have been without First Ladies? Click here to learn about the fascinating ladies who have contributed so much to our heritage.
3. Learn about America's Hidden History: Presidents' Day with David Barton and Tim Barton with special guest Stephen Mansfield.
4. Here is a library of presidential recipes once enjoyed by former presidents and their families. Try making a recipe with your family to taste a bit of history. Check out the recipe below for President Reagan's favorite macaroni and cheese. Enjoy!
5. Check out this timeline of our Presidents, First Ladies, and Vice Presidents from the Library of Congress.
1. Click here to visit the White House web site and view biographies and pictures of America's presidents.
2. First Ladies have been very important. What would our U.S. President have been without First Ladies? Click here to learn about the fascinating ladies who have contributed so much to our heritage.
3. Learn about America's Hidden History: Presidents' Day with David Barton and Tim Barton with special guest Stephen Mansfield.
4. Here is a library of presidential recipes once enjoyed by former presidents and their families. Try making a recipe with your family to taste a bit of history. Check out the recipe below for President Reagan's favorite macaroni and cheese. Enjoy!
5. Check out this timeline of our Presidents, First Ladies, and Vice Presidents from the Library of Congress.
Recipe: President Reagan's Favorite Macaroni & Cheese
In honor of Presidents' Day make President Reagan's favorite macaroni and cheese for supper sometime soon. Enjoy!
Ingredients:1⁄2 lb macaroni1 teaspoon butter1 egg, beaten1 teaspoon salt1 teaspoon dry mustard3 cups sharp cheddar cheese, grated1 cup milk
Directions:1. Boil macaroni in water until tender and drain thoroughly.2. Stir in butter and egg.3. Mix mustard and salt with 1tablespoon hot water, and add to milk.4. Add cheese, leaving enough to sprinkle on top.5. Pour into buttered casserole; add milk, sprinkle with cheese.6. Bake at 350°F for about 45 minutes or until custard is set and top is crusty.
Ingredients:1⁄2 lb macaroni1 teaspoon butter1 egg, beaten1 teaspoon salt1 teaspoon dry mustard3 cups sharp cheddar cheese, grated1 cup milk
Directions:1. Boil macaroni in water until tender and drain thoroughly.2. Stir in butter and egg.3. Mix mustard and salt with 1tablespoon hot water, and add to milk.4. Add cheese, leaving enough to sprinkle on top.5. Pour into buttered casserole; add milk, sprinkle with cheese.6. Bake at 350°F for about 45 minutes or until custard is set and top is crusty.
Unite the USA's
Featured Veteran of the Month: Drew Dix

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Drew Dix, Medal of Honor, Vietnam War
Why Washington is "the Father of our Country"
By Chuck Colson
Most of us will probably celebrate the holiday this week as part of a generic "Presidents' Day" and we probably did so in the all American way: We headed for the malls to shop the sales. But pause a moment and think of the impression that makes on our kids: Should we really be celebrating the birth of the Father of our Country by rushing out to buy half-price toasters and lawn mowers?
If we want to instill in our children a deeper reverence for the ideals upon which our nation was founded, let's use occasions like this to teach them about the character of our Founders. In the case of Washington, we ought to understand that our first President was not only the Father of our Country, but also a man of profound Christian piety.
Journey back with me to the terrible winter of 1777 at Valley Forge. The British had just captured Philadelphia, and the Continental Army was struggling to keep itself alive. Lacking food and clothing, the men were dying of exposure and starvation. Certain political leaders -many of them jealous of Washington-began to whisper that the general's cause was hopeless.
But the men who served under Washington felt differently. As William Bennett writes in his book, Our Sacred Honor, "The brutal conditions of Valley Forge could not suppress a spirit of comity that arose among the officers and their men."
These men were inspired to go on because of the moral example Washington provided. His ability to inspire through his character is illustrated by a story told by a Quaker farmer. Walking in the woods near Washington's headquarters, this farmer heard a human voice. The farmer happened upon General Washington, alone and on his knees in the snow. He was praying to God while tears ran down his cheeks. After witnessing this humble act of faith, the farmer returned home in great excitement. He told his wife that Washington would not only prevail, but would "work out a great salvation for America." This respect for Washington was a direct result of Washington's personal virtue, which was cultivated his entire life. As Bennett points out, "Washington wasn't born good. Only practice and habit made him so." The general was keenly aware of his faults, especially his temper, and from an early age, he worked at controlling this and other shortcomings.
In today's "anything goes" culture, this intense striving after moral excellence is rare. But it's the reason Washington's men were willing to sacrifice for him-even when their cause appeared hopeless. And it's the reason he was later chosen as our first president.
Washington's stature, you see, is of the biblical kind. When the Old Testament writers judged a leader, it was always in moral, not political, terms. Rulers might conquer a vast empire-but if they neglected their spiritual duties, they were dismissed as men who "did what was evil in the sight of the Lord."
Let's make a resolution. Next year for Washington's birthday, instead of rushing out to the malls, let's teach our kids that Washington was not just our first president, but a man of moral excellence. Teach them that they should seek after the kind of moral excellence in their lives that Washington personified: the kind that arises, not only from accomplishment, but from character.
Otherwise, we may forget why Washington is remembered as "the Father of our Country"-and that would be a terrible loss.
Most of us will probably celebrate the holiday this week as part of a generic "Presidents' Day" and we probably did so in the all American way: We headed for the malls to shop the sales. But pause a moment and think of the impression that makes on our kids: Should we really be celebrating the birth of the Father of our Country by rushing out to buy half-price toasters and lawn mowers?
If we want to instill in our children a deeper reverence for the ideals upon which our nation was founded, let's use occasions like this to teach them about the character of our Founders. In the case of Washington, we ought to understand that our first President was not only the Father of our Country, but also a man of profound Christian piety.
Journey back with me to the terrible winter of 1777 at Valley Forge. The British had just captured Philadelphia, and the Continental Army was struggling to keep itself alive. Lacking food and clothing, the men were dying of exposure and starvation. Certain political leaders -many of them jealous of Washington-began to whisper that the general's cause was hopeless.
But the men who served under Washington felt differently. As William Bennett writes in his book, Our Sacred Honor, "The brutal conditions of Valley Forge could not suppress a spirit of comity that arose among the officers and their men."
These men were inspired to go on because of the moral example Washington provided. His ability to inspire through his character is illustrated by a story told by a Quaker farmer. Walking in the woods near Washington's headquarters, this farmer heard a human voice. The farmer happened upon General Washington, alone and on his knees in the snow. He was praying to God while tears ran down his cheeks. After witnessing this humble act of faith, the farmer returned home in great excitement. He told his wife that Washington would not only prevail, but would "work out a great salvation for America." This respect for Washington was a direct result of Washington's personal virtue, which was cultivated his entire life. As Bennett points out, "Washington wasn't born good. Only practice and habit made him so." The general was keenly aware of his faults, especially his temper, and from an early age, he worked at controlling this and other shortcomings.
In today's "anything goes" culture, this intense striving after moral excellence is rare. But it's the reason Washington's men were willing to sacrifice for him-even when their cause appeared hopeless. And it's the reason he was later chosen as our first president.
Washington's stature, you see, is of the biblical kind. When the Old Testament writers judged a leader, it was always in moral, not political, terms. Rulers might conquer a vast empire-but if they neglected their spiritual duties, they were dismissed as men who "did what was evil in the sight of the Lord."
Let's make a resolution. Next year for Washington's birthday, instead of rushing out to the malls, let's teach our kids that Washington was not just our first president, but a man of moral excellence. Teach them that they should seek after the kind of moral excellence in their lives that Washington personified: the kind that arises, not only from accomplishment, but from character.
Otherwise, we may forget why Washington is remembered as "the Father of our Country"-and that would be a terrible loss.