Important Note from Stacie and Carrie:
In this edition, we share some insights on voting. America's families feel quite raw in 2020. So we desire you to know first and foremost: We extend prayers and Christ's love for all during this unusual year. Everything shared in this edition is shared out of His love for all.
We firmly believe that many are depressed and anxiety-laden after so many changes. Consequently, many have knee-jerk reactions to certain terms and topics. But we urge you to listen with an open mind to our positions and insights which come from the best of intentions for the good of every American.
No matter what, let's cherish the fact that Christ never changes. He still loves us!
Whether you agree with us or not, we extend His love for you and prayers for all readers of this edition. You are loved. God remains good. And 2020 reminds us how desperately we need a Savior. His Name is Jesus Christ.
With that said, we have shared how we will prayerfully vote this year. We urge you to do the same.
God bless you and our beloved America,Carrie and Stacie
We firmly believe that many are depressed and anxiety-laden after so many changes. Consequently, many have knee-jerk reactions to certain terms and topics. But we urge you to listen with an open mind to our positions and insights which come from the best of intentions for the good of every American.
No matter what, let's cherish the fact that Christ never changes. He still loves us!
Whether you agree with us or not, we extend His love for you and prayers for all readers of this edition. You are loved. God remains good. And 2020 reminds us how desperately we need a Savior. His Name is Jesus Christ.
With that said, we have shared how we will prayerfully vote this year. We urge you to do the same.
God bless you and our beloved America,Carrie and Stacie
Actual Justice in 2020: Amy Coney Barrett
Finally. A good picture full of 2020 vision and well beyond: With a multi-racial family and a child with special needs, Justice Amy Coney Barrett and her beautiful family remind America that women with hearts for adoption, an end to racism, and empowering those with disabilities can win!
With diligence, she will legally defend the U.S. Constitution for which countless veterans have fought and died. Yes, God bless her!
What the Confirmation Means
Suddenly, the confirmation of ACB confirmed the truth for voters: Trump has kept his campaign promises. Like him or not, he delivers on his objectives.
Let us be clear: We do not condone Trump's name-calling, etc. Not in the least. But his policies have supplied evidence of another side to him which promotes liberty and justice for all -including the unborn.
Some people seem to confuse the role of president with that of pastor. Trump is a business leader who makes decisions to advance his objectives as displayed in his policies. When voting for him, you're voting for policies -not a representative of the Christian faith.
Vote for policies -not personalities. A vote for Trump is not an endorsement of his Tweets. America has a choice: Vote for Trump (whose Tweets get out of control) or Biden (who would bring us all under oppressive government control and healthcare full of life-endangering red tape). We are electing a president -not a pastor.
A vote for Trump is a vote for the lives of the unborn, as he is the most effective pro-life president to date. A vote for Trump is a vote for veterans, who strongly support him in return. A vote for Trump is a vote for Israel, small businesses, jobs, and freedom to have the right to the best healthcare -not government-run healthcare which decides who qualifies as important enough to receive care.
In summary, Election 2020 is about policies -not personalities. Again, we're electing a president -not a pastor. It's time to re-elect President Trump as if millions of babies depended on it because they do.
End the rumor: Being pro-life is not "one-issue voting." It is multi-issue. All other issues (healthcare, education, financial policies, immigration, etc.) depend on this common factor: the right to life. The very lives of unborn human beings of all races depend on the right to be born. Think about it. Pray about it. Vote accordingly.
And, yes, I'm strongly pro-life. As an expectant mother pursuing the third year of my PhD program, I (Stacie) am even more impassioned this year about this issue -as are my husband and entire family. And we strongly urge you to join us as we continue to stand up for the unborn lives of all races.
-Stacie Stoelting Hudzinski and Carrie Stoelting, OD
With diligence, she will legally defend the U.S. Constitution for which countless veterans have fought and died. Yes, God bless her!
What the Confirmation Means
Suddenly, the confirmation of ACB confirmed the truth for voters: Trump has kept his campaign promises. Like him or not, he delivers on his objectives.
Let us be clear: We do not condone Trump's name-calling, etc. Not in the least. But his policies have supplied evidence of another side to him which promotes liberty and justice for all -including the unborn.
Some people seem to confuse the role of president with that of pastor. Trump is a business leader who makes decisions to advance his objectives as displayed in his policies. When voting for him, you're voting for policies -not a representative of the Christian faith.
Vote for policies -not personalities. A vote for Trump is not an endorsement of his Tweets. America has a choice: Vote for Trump (whose Tweets get out of control) or Biden (who would bring us all under oppressive government control and healthcare full of life-endangering red tape). We are electing a president -not a pastor.
A vote for Trump is a vote for the lives of the unborn, as he is the most effective pro-life president to date. A vote for Trump is a vote for veterans, who strongly support him in return. A vote for Trump is a vote for Israel, small businesses, jobs, and freedom to have the right to the best healthcare -not government-run healthcare which decides who qualifies as important enough to receive care.
In summary, Election 2020 is about policies -not personalities. Again, we're electing a president -not a pastor. It's time to re-elect President Trump as if millions of babies depended on it because they do.
End the rumor: Being pro-life is not "one-issue voting." It is multi-issue. All other issues (healthcare, education, financial policies, immigration, etc.) depend on this common factor: the right to life. The very lives of unborn human beings of all races depend on the right to be born. Think about it. Pray about it. Vote accordingly.
And, yes, I'm strongly pro-life. As an expectant mother pursuing the third year of my PhD program, I (Stacie) am even more impassioned this year about this issue -as are my husband and entire family. And we strongly urge you to join us as we continue to stand up for the unborn lives of all races.
-Stacie Stoelting Hudzinski and Carrie Stoelting, OD
Why Vote: An Inspiring Collection of Facts and Quotes
"The upcoming election is not really about Democrats or Republicans. In the past it really didn’t matter that much which party won because philosophically they were essentially quite similar.
"Now we are talking about those who believe this country is of, for and by the people versus those that believe it is of, for and by the government. Those beliefs lead to two very different places.
"This is decision time and this is not an election that we can sit out and leave to others. It is imperative that we recognize that this election will determine not only the direction of our country, but it will also determine the quality of life in the future for our children and grandchildren.
"Those who don’t like a certain messenger but like the message need to realize that they must choose between their feelings and the future opportunities for their children and all of our progeny."
-Dr. Ben and Candy Carson
"Now we are talking about those who believe this country is of, for and by the people versus those that believe it is of, for and by the government. Those beliefs lead to two very different places.
"This is decision time and this is not an election that we can sit out and leave to others. It is imperative that we recognize that this election will determine not only the direction of our country, but it will also determine the quality of life in the future for our children and grandchildren.
"Those who don’t like a certain messenger but like the message need to realize that they must choose between their feelings and the future opportunities for their children and all of our progeny."
-Dr. Ben and Candy Carson
The Importance of Voting: It's Not about Politics.
November 3, 2020 is Election Day. We imagine that all of the phone calls, commercials, social media notifications (a.k.a. harassments) would leave you with no choice but to remember that Election Day is coming.
Many people make Election Day about many different things. Yet few tend to focus on this sobering fact: Veterans have died so that we can vote.
We cherish veterans. So, yes, we're voting. We're voting not because of perfect candidates. We're voting for policies...not people. We're voting because it's our duty as citizens. We're voting because we love veterans and cherish the lives given on the battlefield to protect our freedoms.
We're going to vote for the policies that match our values. And we urge you to do the same. Pray and vote. Vote and pray...pray...pray. But, even though many feel burned out on the media and social media shenanigans, we all must vote.
Why? Well, allow us to stop the myths about what voting really means. Our culture contains a lot of confusion about voting. So let's get back to the voting basics:
Voting Reality Check:
Voting simply means selecting the policies that are best for our country. It's not about selecting someone to serve as your pastor.
Voting for people does not equal endorsing their lives. Vote for the electable candidate that has the most pro-life, pro-faith, and pro-Constitution policies.
Voting pro-life is not equal to being a "one-issue voter." Being pro-life, whole life is basic. It's essential. As women, we believe that abortion masks the maltreatment of women and murders precious children. How could a voter not consider the money-making motivation and misogynistic promotion of abortions? This is but the tip of the iceberg of how pro-lifers are far from being "one-issue" voters. Until life is deemed priceless, every life and every important issue risks being devalued as well.
Voting for people also does not mean excusing abuses of the past. (Voting does not even necessarily mean you even like the person.) Join us and vote! Remember your state officials, too. (In Iowa, we're voting for Senator Joni Ernst.)
In essence, voting stops complete and utter tyranny.
We are voting for a president -not a pastor. Saul, King David, Solomon, and a long list of human rulers in the Bible were far from being without sinful qualities. Yet God used them to get the job done in spite of their weaknesses. When you vote, you vote for the one who offers the best policies for America and who realistically possesses the ability to stop the worst immoralities. Historically, President Trump is the most pro-life and the most pro-Israel president in U.S. History.
Think about it: Trump pointed out that the Obama administration built the cages for children crossing at the border. That's a shocking fact. Sadly, Biden has pretended to be a nice uncle-like figure. But he's the uncle that does bad things behind your back: In spite of some sugarcoating his stances, the fact remains that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are actually for abortion until birth of babies of all races. Don't believe his scare tactics. Biden's policies would implode America financially, morally, and spiritually by dramatically increasing government control and devastating healthcare red tape. No exaggeration.
Voting remains citizens' important responsibility in order to keep our freedoms and stop government from being too powerful in our daily lives. Voting is a way for citizens to protect and honor veterans.
Think of it this way: Election Day and Veterans Day pair well both in proximity on the calendar and in underlying meaning. Veterans have fought for our freedoms -including our ability to vote. When we vote, we put a stop to unbridled tyranny. Let's continue to some FAQ's on voting in 2020.
Election 2020 Voting Q & A:
Q: Why vote when your first pick no longer appears on the ballot?• Vote...because veterans died for your freedom to vote.• Vote...because you're voting for policies -not the candidates themselves.• Vote...because, if you refrain, our country will no longer be free.• Vote...because you vote for policies...not candidates.
Q: How do you vote when you do not like any of the candidates?Again, voting for people does not equal endorsing their lives. Ideally, we vote for people whom we view as Godly, good examples of leadership. But, in an imperfect world in which a theocracy does not exist, we must vote for imperfect people with the policies that match most with our values. Voting for people means voting for the policies they have presented and with which you agree most.
Q: I think I won't vote this time. What do you think of that?Well, with all due respect, we would urge you to prayerfully reconsider. Why? Our brave servicemen and women spilled their blood in order to allow us the privilege to vote. We reinforce our freedoms via the right to vote. Citizens finally have the opportunity to defend our defenders when selecting a new commander in chief.
In conclusion, we've noticed something good about this election process: People are getting tired of being disappointed in people. And more people are praying. Could this be a step for America to turn to God instead of turning away from Him? We hope and pray so. Oh, how we hope and pray so!
America, it's time. It's time to remember this: "Love is to be sincere and active [the real thing without guile and hypocrisy]. Hate what is evil [detest all ungodliness, do not tolerate wickedness]; hold on tightly to what is good." (Romans 12:9, AMP) Amen?
In God we still trust,Carrie Beth Stoelting and Stacie Stoelting HudzinskiSisters and Founders of Unite the USA
Many people make Election Day about many different things. Yet few tend to focus on this sobering fact: Veterans have died so that we can vote.
We cherish veterans. So, yes, we're voting. We're voting not because of perfect candidates. We're voting for policies...not people. We're voting because it's our duty as citizens. We're voting because we love veterans and cherish the lives given on the battlefield to protect our freedoms.
We're going to vote for the policies that match our values. And we urge you to do the same. Pray and vote. Vote and pray...pray...pray. But, even though many feel burned out on the media and social media shenanigans, we all must vote.
Why? Well, allow us to stop the myths about what voting really means. Our culture contains a lot of confusion about voting. So let's get back to the voting basics:
Voting Reality Check:
Voting simply means selecting the policies that are best for our country. It's not about selecting someone to serve as your pastor.
Voting for people does not equal endorsing their lives. Vote for the electable candidate that has the most pro-life, pro-faith, and pro-Constitution policies.
Voting pro-life is not equal to being a "one-issue voter." Being pro-life, whole life is basic. It's essential. As women, we believe that abortion masks the maltreatment of women and murders precious children. How could a voter not consider the money-making motivation and misogynistic promotion of abortions? This is but the tip of the iceberg of how pro-lifers are far from being "one-issue" voters. Until life is deemed priceless, every life and every important issue risks being devalued as well.
Voting for people also does not mean excusing abuses of the past. (Voting does not even necessarily mean you even like the person.) Join us and vote! Remember your state officials, too. (In Iowa, we're voting for Senator Joni Ernst.)
In essence, voting stops complete and utter tyranny.
We are voting for a president -not a pastor. Saul, King David, Solomon, and a long list of human rulers in the Bible were far from being without sinful qualities. Yet God used them to get the job done in spite of their weaknesses. When you vote, you vote for the one who offers the best policies for America and who realistically possesses the ability to stop the worst immoralities. Historically, President Trump is the most pro-life and the most pro-Israel president in U.S. History.
Think about it: Trump pointed out that the Obama administration built the cages for children crossing at the border. That's a shocking fact. Sadly, Biden has pretended to be a nice uncle-like figure. But he's the uncle that does bad things behind your back: In spite of some sugarcoating his stances, the fact remains that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are actually for abortion until birth of babies of all races. Don't believe his scare tactics. Biden's policies would implode America financially, morally, and spiritually by dramatically increasing government control and devastating healthcare red tape. No exaggeration.
Voting remains citizens' important responsibility in order to keep our freedoms and stop government from being too powerful in our daily lives. Voting is a way for citizens to protect and honor veterans.
Think of it this way: Election Day and Veterans Day pair well both in proximity on the calendar and in underlying meaning. Veterans have fought for our freedoms -including our ability to vote. When we vote, we put a stop to unbridled tyranny. Let's continue to some FAQ's on voting in 2020.
Election 2020 Voting Q & A:
Q: Why vote when your first pick no longer appears on the ballot?• Vote...because veterans died for your freedom to vote.• Vote...because you're voting for policies -not the candidates themselves.• Vote...because, if you refrain, our country will no longer be free.• Vote...because you vote for policies...not candidates.
Q: How do you vote when you do not like any of the candidates?Again, voting for people does not equal endorsing their lives. Ideally, we vote for people whom we view as Godly, good examples of leadership. But, in an imperfect world in which a theocracy does not exist, we must vote for imperfect people with the policies that match most with our values. Voting for people means voting for the policies they have presented and with which you agree most.
Q: I think I won't vote this time. What do you think of that?Well, with all due respect, we would urge you to prayerfully reconsider. Why? Our brave servicemen and women spilled their blood in order to allow us the privilege to vote. We reinforce our freedoms via the right to vote. Citizens finally have the opportunity to defend our defenders when selecting a new commander in chief.
In conclusion, we've noticed something good about this election process: People are getting tired of being disappointed in people. And more people are praying. Could this be a step for America to turn to God instead of turning away from Him? We hope and pray so. Oh, how we hope and pray so!
America, it's time. It's time to remember this: "Love is to be sincere and active [the real thing without guile and hypocrisy]. Hate what is evil [detest all ungodliness, do not tolerate wickedness]; hold on tightly to what is good." (Romans 12:9, AMP) Amen?
In God we still trust,Carrie Beth Stoelting and Stacie Stoelting HudzinskiSisters and Founders of Unite the USA
Billy Graham Evangelistic Association's
2020 Election Voting Guide
Election Day is nearly here, and we want to help you exercise one of your greatest civic duties: voting. With so much at stake in this election, God’s people can’t be silent.
To help you at this critical time, we want to give you a downloadable planning and prayer guide that will help you be prepared before you cast your ballot on November 3.
Your voice is important. The future of our nation hangs in the balance. Click here to receive your free digital 2020 election resources.
To help you at this critical time, we want to give you a downloadable planning and prayer guide that will help you be prepared before you cast your ballot on November 3.
Your voice is important. The future of our nation hangs in the balance. Click here to receive your free digital 2020 election resources.
Veterans Day Virtual Parade for Heroes
Since COVID-19 cancelled parades across the country this year we have created “virtual parades” to honor veterans instead. We are planning another virtual parade in honor of Veterans Day this November.
To be included in our next Virtual Parade of Heroes, please e-mail us the hero’s name, picture, and service information by November 11 to The virtual parade will then be published sometime in November in an online musical video virtual parade and you will be notified of its publication by e-mail.
We appreciate being able honor heroes. It means so much to us to have this opportunity to give credit where credit is due!
God bless you,Carrie and Stacie
To be included in our next Virtual Parade of Heroes, please e-mail us the hero’s name, picture, and service information by November 11 to The virtual parade will then be published sometime in November in an online musical video virtual parade and you will be notified of its publication by e-mail.
We appreciate being able honor heroes. It means so much to us to have this opportunity to give credit where credit is due!
God bless you,Carrie and Stacie
Ask Billy Graham: Why Bother Voting?
Q. I'm sick of politicians and political campaigns, and I've decided I'm not going to vote this year. It wouldn't do any good anyway, because just one vote won't make any difference. Why bother?
A. Let me ask you a question: What would happen to our nation if everyone decided not to vote? You know the answer—before long we’d lose our freedoms and be ruled by a power-hungry dictatorship. No system of government is perfect, including ours—but all it will take to make it collapse is an indifferent citizenry.
But I also urge you to vote for another reason: I believe it is a God-given responsibility. When Jesus walked this earth, the whole civilized world was under the authority of one individual: the Roman emperor (or Caesar). He wasn’t elected by popular vote, nor did ordinary people have an opportunity to express their views through the ballot box. And the Roman government wasn’t perfect; in fact, it promoted paganism and could be brutal.
And yet Jesus taught that people still had a responsibility to encourage and support their government in every way they possibly could. He said, “Give to Caesar what is Caesar’s, and to God what is God’s” (Matthew 22:21). The same principle is true for us today: We should do everything we can to encourage and support good government—including voting. Understand the issues…know where the candidates stand on them…ask God to guide you—and then vote.
Beyond that, however, pray for our nation and its leaders—not just the President, but all who’ve been entrusted with public office. It’s the most important thing you can do. The Bible commands us to pray for “all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness” (1 Timothy 2:2).
A. Let me ask you a question: What would happen to our nation if everyone decided not to vote? You know the answer—before long we’d lose our freedoms and be ruled by a power-hungry dictatorship. No system of government is perfect, including ours—but all it will take to make it collapse is an indifferent citizenry.
But I also urge you to vote for another reason: I believe it is a God-given responsibility. When Jesus walked this earth, the whole civilized world was under the authority of one individual: the Roman emperor (or Caesar). He wasn’t elected by popular vote, nor did ordinary people have an opportunity to express their views through the ballot box. And the Roman government wasn’t perfect; in fact, it promoted paganism and could be brutal.
And yet Jesus taught that people still had a responsibility to encourage and support their government in every way they possibly could. He said, “Give to Caesar what is Caesar’s, and to God what is God’s” (Matthew 22:21). The same principle is true for us today: We should do everything we can to encourage and support good government—including voting. Understand the issues…know where the candidates stand on them…ask God to guide you—and then vote.
Beyond that, however, pray for our nation and its leaders—not just the President, but all who’ve been entrusted with public office. It’s the most important thing you can do. The Bible commands us to pray for “all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness” (1 Timothy 2:2).
A Call to Pray
Featured Quote
Unite the USA's
Featured Veteran of the Month: James Burt

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WWII Medal of Honor Recipient